释义 |
安营扎寨安营下寨ān yíng zhá zhàicamp;encamp;make a strong camp; pitch (/set up) a camp ❍ 教且安营下寨,再作商议。(《三国演义》97)Then he gave orders to make a strong camp till they could think out some victorious plan. ❍ 伙计! 为什么在山顶~?(曲波《林海雪原》550)Why have you pitched camp on top of the mountain,young fellow?/梁老三的小犊子领带人马进山,安营下寨割竹子,缚扫帚哩! (柳青《创业史》 314) That son of Liang the Third has taken a group into the mountains. They’ve set up a camp and are cutting bamboo and making brooms. ❍ 李天王道:“昨日到此安营下寨,着九曜星挑战,……”(《西游记》70)“We came hare yesterday to set up the encamp ment,”said Devaraja Li,“and the Nine Luminaries were sent to provoke battle. …” 安营扎寨an ying zha zhaipitch a camp 安营扎寨ān yínɡ zhā zhài指军队驻扎下来。也比喻建立临时的基地。pitch a camp, encamp, set up a camp, make a strong camp |