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单词 accident
释义 accident /'aeksidsnt; , aeksadant/ n 1 [C] sth that happens without a cause that can be seen at once, usu sth unfortunate and undesirable: 意外事件; 不测; 祸事; 事故 -There have been many railway ~s this year. 今年发生了许多次火车车祸。 He was killed in a road/motoring ~. 他在一次车祸中死亡。 There has been an ~ to....…发生过一次意外。 A~s will happen, (prov) Some unfortunate events must be accepted as inevitable. (谚) 意外事故难免会发生。 meet with /have an ~, experience one: 遭遇意外事故: I had a slight ~ on the way to work this morning. 我今晨在上班途中遭遇一件小小的意外事故。 '~-prona, → prone. 2 [U] chance; fortune: 机遇; 命运: by ~ of birth. 生来就是; 由于出生的身世。 by ~, by chance: 偶然; 意外地: You might cut yourself by ~; you would not cut yourself on purpose. 你可能意外地割伤自己; 你不会故意割伤自己。 without ~, safely. 安全地; 无恙地。 '~ insurance, against injury, damage or death which is the result of an ~. 意外保险。




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