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单词 安然无恙

安然无恙安然无事ān rán wú yàng

above water; as right as a trivet; as safe as houses; be quite all right; be founded upon a rock; be on the safe side;(come off) in (/with) a whole skin; escape(/come through) unscathed; fall on one’s feet;in the clear; be out of danger (/harm’s way/harm’s reach/the meshes); safe and sound; show no sign of sickness at all; sound in life (/wind) and limb;without accident (/incident/mishap)
❍ 他安详地睁着那双深邃明亮的眼睛,望着~的列车,…… (金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》481) His eyes were open and clear,and he looked calmly at the undamaged train…/过了片刻,当看见刘宗敏~,而刘芳亮杀出包围,……他的眼睛里闪过了一丝欣慰的微笑。(姚雪垠《李自成》159) When presently he saw that Liu Zongmin was safe and that Liu Fangliang had fought his way out from the cordon,the prince’s eyes gleamed with relief and joy.
❍ 我见母亲~,便上前拜见。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》127) There I saw my mother showing no sign of sickenss at all. I paid my respects to her.

安然无恙ān rán wú yànɡ

形容平安无事,并没有受到什么损害。safe and sound, come through unscathed, fall in one’s feet, land like a cat, land on one’s feet, in a whole skin, keep a whole skin





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