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单词 absence
释义 absence /'aebssns; aebsns/ n 1 [U] being away (from): 缺席; 不在; 离开 (与 from 连用) : ~ from school; 旷课; 缺课; during his ~ in America, while he was there. 在他离开此地到美国去的期间。 In the ~ of the Manager (ie while he is away) Mr X is in charge of the business. 经理不在的期间,由某先生管理业务。 leave of ~, → leave1 ⑴. 2 [C] occasion or time of being away: 一次缺席; 不在的时间: numerous ~s from school; 无数次的旷课; a long ~; 离开很久; after an ~ of three months. 在离开了三个月之后。 3 [U] lack; non-existence: 缺乏; 不存在: in the ~ of definite information. 在缺乏确定消息的情形下。 Cold is the ~ of heat. 冷就是缺乏热。 4 ~ of mind, absent-mindedness (→ below). 心不在焉; 神不守舍 (参看下条) 。




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