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单词 mist
mist/mɪst/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)薄雾(cloud of tiny drops of water in the air and very close to the groundlike a fogbut less dense)[CU]:morning/heavy~s on the lawn草坪上的晨雾/蒙蒙雾霭;The~is breaking/has cleared off. 薄雾逐渐散去/已散尽。The mountain village was hidden/shrouded/covered in~. 山村被薄雾笼罩。〖同〗fog;

(2)水汽(water vapour that condenses on and clouds a cold surface)[U]:~on a pane window窗玻璃上的水汽;My breath turns to~in front of me.我呼出的气在我面前变成了水汽。〖同〗vapour,veil;

(3)气雾(fine drops of liquid sprayed into the air)[U]:a~of perfume/vapours香水的/蒸气的薄雾;insecticide~杀虫雾剂;〖同〗spray;

(4)雾状物(cloud of gassmokeetc)[C]:a~of dust/smoke/gas一团尘雾/烟雾/气雾;She saw it in the~of leaves,in the flash of the river.她看到它在朦胧的树叶中,在河水的闪烁中忽隐忽现。〖同〗cloud;

(5)难以看透(穿)的事,迷雾(anything that confusesdimsobscures the meaning or understandingetc)[C,通常pl](fig):hear the voice through the~s of sleep 在朦胧睡意中听到有人说话;The real facts/Its origins/The precise details of what happened are lost in the~s of time.真实情况/它的起源/事发的确切细节由于年深日久而难以查明。〖同〗haze;

(6)视线模糊,眼前一片朦胧(dimness of sight caused by a film of water before the eyesdimming the vision)[Ua~]:look at/recognize sb/see sb's face through a~of tears泪眼模糊地看着某人/认出某人/看到某人的脸;A~seems to cover (come) over his eyes. 他眼前好像一片朦胧。〖同〗dimness;

v (1)(使)模糊不清(cause to become covered with mist)[IT+n]:Old eyes~ed. 老人泪眼模糊。eyes~ed with tears模糊的泪眼;Damp~ed her glasses. 湿气使她的眼镜模糊一片。Tears~ed my eyes. 泪水使我眼前一片模糊。〖同〗veil;

mist over(v adv)蒙上水汽而模糊不清 (vi):The hill/The scene~ed over.小山/景色笼罩在薄雾之中。His eyes~ed over as he thought back to his wedding day.当他回忆起结婚的那一天,泪水使他双眼模糊。

mist up (v adv)蒙上水汽而模糊不清:(vi & vt):The mirror/The goggles/The windscreen~ed up. 镜子/风镜/挡风玻璃蒙上一层水汽而模糊不清。The steam from the kettle has~ed up the windows. 水壶的蒸气使玻璃变得模糊不清。

→′misty adj 充满雾气的;朦胧的;′mistiness n 朦胧,模糊不清;

【辨异】mist fog haze 的区别见FOG。





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