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单词 about
释义 about3 /s'dsvt; s'davt/ prep (may usu be replaced by around or round in 1, 2 and 3) (第 1, 2, 3 义通常可用 around 或 round 代替) 1 (with vv of movement) here and there, in no particular direction: (与表示动向的动词连用) 到处; 在各处 walkings ~ the town; 在市内到处走; travelling ~ the world. 环游世界。 2 (with other vv, indicating position, state, etc) : (与其他动词连用,表示位置、状况等): idle men standing ~ on street corners; 在街角上到处站立的闲人; books and papers lying ~ the room. 零乱散置于室内的书籍和文件。 I haven't any money ~ me, ie with me, in my pockets. 我身上没有带钱。 3 near to: 在…近处; 在附近: I dropped the key somewhere ~ here. 我把钥匙掉在这附近某个地方了。 4 concerning; regarding; in connection with: 关于; 有关: He is careless ~ his personal appearance. 他不关心他自己的仪表。 What do you know ~ him? 关于他,你知道些什么? What is he so angry ~? 他为何事如此发怒? Tell me all ~ it. 吿诉我有关此事的一切。 How/What ~ used to ask for information, to make a suggestion or to get sb's opinion: 怎么样 (用以询问消息, 提供建议或征询意见): What ~ his qualifications for the position? 他担任此职的学经历如何? How ~ going to France for our holidays? 我们到法国去度假如何? 5 concerned or occupied with: 从事; 忙于: What are you ~? (= colloq up to?). 你在做什么? (等于口语的 'up to?')。 And while you're ~ it..., while you're doing that.... 在你做那事的时候…。 Mind what you're ~, Be careful what you do. 注意你所做的事; 小心。 go/set ~ sth. deal with it: 做某事; 从事: Do you know how to go ~ it, deal with the task? 你知道如何做这事吗? 6 round (which is now more usu preferred): 在周围; 围绕着 (现在比较常用 round): the fields ~ Oxford. 在牛津四周的田野。 She hung ~ his shoulders. 她伏在他的肩膀上。 He has his wits ~ him, → wit. 他很机警。 7 ~ to + inf, on the point of (doing sth), just going to (do sth): 即将; 正要: As I was ~ to say, when you interrupted me.... 我正要说的时候,你插嘴了。 He was ~ to start. 他即将动身。




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