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单词 about
释义 about2 /s'bavt; a'baut/ adv part (may usu be replaced by around in 1. 2 and 3) (第 1,2,3 义通常可由 around 代替) 1 (with vv of movement) here and there, in no particular direction: (与表示动向的动词连用) 到处; 无固定方向: The children were rushing ~. 小孩子们到处乱闾。 The boys were climbing ~ on the rocks. 男孩们在岩石上乱爬 Don't drop cigarette ash ~. 勿乱弹烟灰。 Don't leave waste paper and empty bottles ~ in the park. 不要在公园中到处丢弃废纸及空瓶。 He's taking Jane ~ a lot these days, eg to dances, cinemas, theatres. 他近来带着珍到处去玩 (例如参加舞会, 看电影,看戏) 。 2 (with other vv, indicating position, etc): (与其他动词连用,表示位置等): There were books lying ~ on the floor /people sitting ~ on the grass. 有些书散置在地板上 (有些人坐在草地各处)。 3 (with be) : (与 be 连用): There was no one ~, no one to be seen. 附近见不到一个人。 There's a lot of influenza ~, many people have it. 附近有很多人患流行性感冒。 be (out and) ~, be able to get out, work, etc after eg an illness. 能出外,工作等 (例如病后复元) 。 be up and ~, be out of bed and active. 起床走动。 4 bring sth ~ → bring (6). come ~, → come (16). 5 facing round; in the opposite direction: 向后转; 朝相反的方向: It's the wrong way ~. 方向错了,刚相反 A~ turn! (GB) (英) A~ face! (US) (美),(mil commands) turn round to face the other way. (军,口令) 向后转!, ~'face vi turn and face the other way. 向后转。 n complete reversal of views, actions, etc: (观点,行为等的) 大转变: He did a complete ~-face. 他作了一个一百八十度的大转变。 6 (of two or more persons or groups) (指两个或两个以上的人,或指两组或多组) take turns~; (do sth) turn and turn ~, → turn (4).




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