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单词 mission
mission/′mɪ ⨜n/ n

(1)特殊任务,使命(particular task that a person or a group of people is sent to carry out)[C]:a diplomatic/confidential/special/secret/dangerous~外交/机密/特殊/秘密/危险使命;take up/complete/carry out/fulfil one's~承担/完成/执行/履行任务;Her~in life is to teach people in poor countries. 她的天职是为穷国的人民提供教育。I see my~in life as being to reform juvenile delinquents.我认为,我的人生使命在于改造青少年犯。It seemed to be her~to care for her brother's children.似乎她的使命就是照看她哥哥的孩子。〖同〗assignment,job;

(2)军事任务(使命)(such a task assigned to an individual or unit of armed forces)[C]:a bombing/wartime/reconnaissance~轰炸/战时/侦察任务;The soldier's~was to destroy the bridge. 该战士的任务是炸毁这座桥梁。The group has flown twenty~s.这个飞行小队已执行了20次飞行任务。a space~specialist/control/headquarters航天任务专家/地面指挥中心/总指挥部;

(3)外交,商务使(代表)团(的任务)((work done by a)group of people sent to a foreign country for political or commercial purposeetc)[C]:a peace/goodwill/trade/military~和平/友好/贸易/军事代表团;the Norwegian~to the United Nations挪威赴联合国代表团;be sent to London/go to London/come to London on a~for the government被派往伦敦/前去伦敦/前来伦敦担负政府使命;〖同〗delegation,ministry;

(4)传教团(活动)(work done by a body of people sent to carry on religious work in foreign land)[C]:conduct Catholic/church/evangelistic~s 进行天主教/教会/福音传道活动;organize a~to the Indians 组成一个到印第安人中去的传教团;A~was sent to Africa by the Baptist church.浸礼教会向非洲派了一个传教团。

(5)传教处(所)(place or buildings in which missionary work is done)[C]:a~in the slums贫民区的传教处;a small Spanish~一所小的西班牙传教会;Our church~in Africa needs medicines.我们在非洲的教会传教处需要药品。The Methodist~is situated in one of the poorest parts of the city.循道教传教部位于市内最贫穷的地区。a~station/school/hospital 布道所/教会学校/教会医院;~architecture教会建筑;

→′missionary n 传教士





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