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单词 学位

学位xué wèiAcademic Degrees

法学博士[fǎ xué bó shì] doctor of law; Doctor Juris(D.J.); Legum Doctor(LL.D.)
法学硕士[fǎ xué shuò shì] master of law;(Latin) Legum Magister(LL.M.)
法学学士[fǎ xué xué shì] bachelor of law;(Latin) Legum Baccalaureus(LL.B.)
工学博士[ɡōnɡ xué bó shì] doctor of engineering(D.E.)
工学硕士[ɡōnɡ xué shuò shì] master of engineering(M.E.)
工学学士[ɡōnɡ xué xué shì] bachelor of engineering(B.E.)
教育学博士[jiào yù xué bó shì] doctor of education(D.Ed.)
教育学硕士[jiào yù xué shuò shì] master of education(M.Ed.)
教育学学士[jiào yù xué xué shì] B.Ed.bachelor of education (Ed.B.; B.Ed.)
理学博士[lǐ xué bó shì] doctor of science(D.Sc.)
理学硕士[lǐ xué shuò shì] master of science(M.S.); Scientiae Magister(S.M.)
理学学士[lǐ xué xué shì] bachelor of science(B.S.; B.Sc.); Scientiae Baccalaureus(S.B.)
美术博士[měi shù bó shì] doctor of fine arts(D.F.A.)
美术硕士[měi shù shuò shì] master of fine arts(M.F.A.)
美术学士[měi shù xué shì] bachelor of fine arts(B.F.A.)
人文科学博士[rén wén kē xué bó shì] doctor of humanities(D.H.)
人文科学硕士[rén wén kē xué shuò shì] master of humanities(M.H.)
人文科学学士[rén wén kē xué xué shì] bachelor of humanities(B.H.)
工商管理博士[ɡōnɡ shānɡ ɡuǎn lǐ bó shì] doctor of business administration(D.B.A.; DBA)
工商管理硕士[ɡōnɡ shānɡ ɡuǎn lǐ shuò shì] master of business administration(M.B.A.;MBA)
工商管理学士[ɡōnɡ shānɡ ɡuǎn lǐ xué shì] bachelor of business administration(B.B.A.; BBA)
神学博士[shén xué bó shì] doctor of theology(D.Th.); Theologiae Doctor(Th.D.)
神学硕士[shén xué shuò shì] master of theology(Th.M.); Theologiae Magister(Th.M.)
神学学士[shén xué xué shì] bachelor of theology(B.Th.); Theologiae Baccalaureus(Th.B.)
图书馆学硕士[tú shū ɡuǎn xué shuò shì] master of library science(M.L.S.)
文学博士[wén xué bó shì] doctor of arts; doctor of literature;(Latin) Doctor Litterarum(D.Lit.); Litterarum Doctor(Lit.D.)
文学硕士[wén xué shuò shì] master of arts; master of literature; Artium Magister(A.M.); Litterarum Magister(Lit.M.); Magister Artium(M.A.)
文学学士[wén xué xué shì] bachelor of literature; bachelor of arts; Baccalaureus Artium(B.A.); Litterarum Baccalaureus(Lit.B.); Artium Baccalaureus(A.B.)
医学博士[yī xué bó shì] doctor of medicine; Medicinae Doctor(M.D.)
医学硕士[yī xué shuò shì] master of medicine(M.M.)
医学学士[yī xué xué shì] bachelor of medicine(B.M.)
哲学博士[zhé xué bó shì] doctor of philosophy; Philosophiae Doctor(Ph.D.)
哲学硕士[zhé xué shuò shì] master of philosophy; Philosophiae Magister(Ph.M.)
哲学学士[zhé xué xué shì] bachelor of philosophy; Philosophiae Baccalaureus(Ph.B.)




academic degree;degree
博士~Ph.D. degree;doctor’s degree;doctorate/名誉~honorary degree/硕士~master’s degree/学士~bachelor’s degree/~评定委员会academic degree evaluation committee/~条例academic degrees regulations/~制度academic degree system
哲学博士Doctor of Philosophy(Ph D)
文学博士Doctor of Literature (D Litt)
法学博士Doctor of Laws (LLD)
医学博士Medicine or Medical Doctor(MD)
理学博士Doctor of Science (D Sc)
文学硕士Master of Arts(MA)
哲学硕士Master of Philosophy(M Ph)
法学硕士Master of Laws(LLM)
理学硕士Master of Science (M Sc)
商业管理硕士MBA (Master of Business Administration)





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