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单词 孤苦伶仃

孤苦伶仃孤苦零丁gū kǔ líng dīng

alone and uncared for; orphaned (/widowed) and helpless;friendless and wretched; lead a bleak and lonely existence
❍ 头里有老太太,到底还疼我些;如今也死了,留下我~,如何了局?(《红楼梦》1442) The old lady used to be good to me but now she’s gone too,leaving me all alone. What’s to become of me?/可怜她们一个个走了,丢下我这老不死的老家伙,~。(周立波《山乡巨变》102) Poor things,they all went,one after the other,leaving behind a lonely sad old woman who won’t die.
❍ 他们两人都是~的老头子,无牵无挂;……(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》35) They were two solitary old men without a tie in the world.
❍ 我到她家拉过两回呱,晓得她~,夫死儿亡,……(吴强《红日》304—305)I’d been round to her place a couple of times for a chinwag,and I knew she was alone in the world with no one to help her since she’d lost her husband and son,…/独我一人~,怎么好?(《红楼梦》1374)What’s to become of me left all on my own?/生宝奇怪: 还能有什么打击,落到这个不幸的人头上呢?对这屋里没了女人,种地没了牲口的~的爷俩,命运还能给他什么过不去呢?(柳青《创业史》226) Could this unlucky man have suffered another mishap,wondered Shengbao? With no woman in the house and no draught animal to till the land,father and son led a bleak and lonely existence.Could fate hurt them any worse than it had already?/这家老大娘看小梅~的一个妇女,就开了门,让进屋里,拿出饽饽给她吃。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》110) Seeing that it was only a lone girl,she let her in. The woman offered a couple of corn muffins and some boiled water.

孤苦伶仃gu ku ling ding

orphaned and helpless


orphaned and helpless; forlorn and alone;friendless and uncared for

孤苦伶仃ɡū kǔ línɡ dīnɡ

孤苦:无依无靠、生活艰苦。伶仃:孤独的样子。孤单困苦,无依无靠。orphaned and helpless, friendless and wretched, alone and friendless





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