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单词 miss
miss1/mɪs/ n [-es/ ɪz/]; v [-es/ ɪz/]

n (1)未中(得),失误(failure to hitreachcatch sth that is aimed at)[C]:a near/a bad~差点击中/糟糕的失误;score two hits and two~es 两中,两次未中;hit the target without a (single)~弹无虚发;After the first few~es, she found the target.几枪落空后,她方才击中。〖同〗failure,error,slip,loss;〖反〗hit,success;

give...a miss 避免(开),不理(infml):give the film/party/dance a~tonight今晚不去看电影/参加聚会/跳舞;I always see Jack on Friday nights,but I'll have to give him a~tonight.我每周五晚上都见杰克,但今晚不打算见他。

v (1)未击中(捉住);错过(fail to hitreachcatchattainmeetetc)[IT+nT+-ing]:I tried to hit the nail/fired three times/took five shots but~ed.我试图钉钉子/射了三枪/射击了五次,但没打(击)中。~the ball/the mark/the target/the goal/the step/one's aim/one's way/one's footing 没接到球/没打中/没中靶/没进球/没踩上台阶/没达到目的/迷了路/踏空;The falling rock just~my head.掉下的石块差点砸着我的头。~winning the race/stopping the ball在赛跑中没有获胜/接到这个球;〖同〗fail;

(2)没看(听)到,没懂(fail to seehear or understandetc)[T+nT+wh]:~the start of the film/the item in the newspaper/the television special 没看到影片开头/报上的一条消息/电视专辑片;You can't~it;it's on the first floor.你不会找不到的,就在一层。The post office is hundreds meters up the road;you can't~it.沿路走几百米就是邮局,你准会看到。~the point of sb's joke/the implication of what sb said/sb's argument不知某人笑话的妙处/某人所说的含义/某人的论点;I~ed what you were saying to me.我没听懂你对我讲的话。

(3)没赶上(出席),未(迟)到(fail to attendbe present at or arrive too late foretc)[T+nT+-ing]:~an appointment/a meeting误了赴约/开会;~a day of work/a week of school/a school bus一天没上班/一周没上学/没赶上校车;~one's train/one's lesson 没赶上火车/没上课;I came late and~ed seeing him winning the high jump.我来晚了,没看到他赢得跳高比赛。

(4)发现遗失(不在)(notice the loss or absence of)[T+n]:~one's wallet/one's purse/one's watch/one's jewels丢了皮夹/钱包/手表/珠宝;The coat is~ing a button.外衣上掉了一个纽扣。I didn't~my umbrella until after I got off the bus.直到下车以后我才发现雨伞丢了。〖同〗lose;

(5)怀(惦)念(feel sad because of the absence or lose of)[T+nT+-ing]:~one's mother/one's friend/one's hometown/one's family surroundings very much十分想念母亲/惦记朋友/想念家乡/怀念家庭环境;Most of all I~ed the mountains near my home.我最怀念的是我家附近的高山。Her death was sudden and shall be sadly~ed.她死得突然,人们会伤心地怀念她的。~living in the countryside怀念在乡下生活的日子;She~es having her breakfast in bed.她怀念在床上吃早餐的情景。〖同〗long for,regret,sorrow for;

(6)错过,失去(let go by let slip)[T+nT+-ing]:~one's chance/one's opportunity错过机会; You've~ed your turn so you have to wait.轮到你,可你错过了,所以还得等。~the farming season 误了农时;〖同〗neglect,overlook;

(7)逃脱,幸免于(avoid or escape)[T+nT+-ing]:~a traffic accident/most of the traffic 没遇上车祸/避开最拥挤的交通;You should leave early if you want to~the rush hour.如果你想避开交通高峰,就该早些动身。~hitting the other car/being run over by a bus/being killed by a few inches险些撞上另一辆汽车/险些被一辆大客车轧上/差一点遇难;He barely/He narrowly/He only just~ed being caught by the police.他差点/几乎/险些被警察抓到。〖同〗avoid,escape;

miss the boat/bus坐失良机,错过机会(infml):I want to send her a birthday card but I~ed the boat;her birthday was last week.我想送她一张生日贺卡,但我错过了机会;她的生日在上周。

be too good to miss 太……不应错过:Her latest film is too good to~.她的最新影片实在应该看。

miss out (on sth)(v adv)错过机会 (vi): If you don't come now you're going to~out on all the fun.你现在不来,所有有趣的就都会错过了。

miss out (v adv)漏掉,遗漏(vt):You~ed out two very important points.你漏掉了十分重要的两点。~out a word/a line/one's address on the form 表上漏掉一字/一行/没填住址;

→′missing adj





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