释义 |
字zìⅠ ❶ (文字) character; word: 汉 ~ Chi ̄ nese character; 常用 ~ daily words; ~ 义 meaning of a word ❷ (字音) pronunciation: 咬 ~ 清楚 have clear articulation; ~ 正腔圆 pronounce every word clearly and sing in tune ❸ (字体) form of a written or printed character; style of handwriting; printing type: 斜体 ~ italics; 黑体 ~ boldface; boldface type; 草 ~ the running style of Chinese writing; 柳 ~ style of calligraphy of Liu Gongquan (柳公权, 778 — 865 A. D.); 他写得一手好 ~。 He writes a good hand.; He has good handwriting. ❹ (书法的作品) scripts; writings: ~ 画 scripts and paintings; calligraphy and painting; 专藏 ~, 不藏画 only collect scripts [writings], not paintings ❺ (字眼; 词) wording; diction: 咬文嚼 ~ pay excessive attention to wording ❻ (字据) receipt; written pledge: 立 ~ 为凭 give a written pledge; 开收据并在上面签 ~ write out and sign a receipt ❼ (根据人名中的字义, 另取的别名) a style [name] taken at the age of twenty, by which a man is sometimes called: 岳飞 ~ 鹏举。 Yue Fei styled himself Pengju. ❽ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 谔 Zi E Ⅱ (旧时称女子许配) (of a girl) be betrothed (in ancient times): ~ 人 be engaged to marry; 待 ~ 闺中 not yet engaged; not be betrothed yet ◆字典 dictionary; 字段 {计} field; syllable; 字符 {计} character; 字符串 alphabetic string; character string; 字号 the name of a shop; 字盒 {刷} (type) mould; 字画 calligraphy and painting; scripts and paintings; 字汇 glossary; wordbook; lexicon; 字迹 handwriting; writing; 字节 byte; syllable; 字据 written pledge (e.g. receipt, IOU, contract, etc.); 字句 words and expressions; writing; 字里行间 between the lines; among the words and between the lines; in-between the lines; the overtone of a writing; 字码 character code; 字码儿[口] numeral; number; amount; 字谜 a riddle about a character or word; 字面 literal; {刷} face; typeface; 字母 letters of an alphabet; letter; grapheme; character; 字幕 captions (of motion pictures, etc.); subtitles; 字盘 {刷} case; 字书 wordbook; lexicon; dictionary; 字体 form of a written or printed character; script; type ̄ face; style of calligraphy; {自} character style; character font; type-font; {刷} type face; 字条儿 brief note; 字帖儿 [口] brief notice; 字帖 copybook (for calligraphy); model of calligraphy for practice; 字形 character pattern; font; 字眼 wording; diction; 字样 model of written characters; printed or written words (which succinctly inform, instruct, warn, etc.); 字斟句酌 write in ornate style; choose one's words with great care; refine (up) on words; refine upon [on] the wording; weigh every word; weigh every word and every sentence with great care; weigh one's words; 字纸 wastepaper with characters written or printed on it; 字字珠玑 every phrase a gem; each word a gem; sparkling ideas put in writing 字name or style,taken at the age of twenty by which a man is sometimes called |