子曰诗云诗云子曰zǐ yuē shī yúnthe classics; the Confucian classics ❍ 你这个呆子,只知道~,——比我还糊涂! (杨沫《青春之歌》539)All a simpleton like you can do is quote from the classics.You’re even more muddle-headed than I am. ❍ 几年来的文治武力,在我早如幼小时候所读过的 “~”一般,背不上半句了。(《鲁迅选集》 上—32) The military and political affairs of those years I have forgotten as completely as the classics I read in my childhood. ❍ 模模胡胡的过了新年,仍旧教我的‘~’ 去。(《鲁迅选集》上—110) When I have muddled through New Year I shall go back to teaching of Confucian classics as before. |