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单词 嫠不恤纬

嫠不恤纬lí bù xù wěi

the widow does not worry about her woof—one is so concerned about his country that he forgets his own home
❍ ~,而忧宗宋周之陨,为将及焉。(《左传·昭二十四年》) The widow does not regard her woof,but is anxious about the fall of honoured Zhou,meaning that she is not afraid of what will happen to herself.

嫠不恤纬li bu xu wei

be concerned about the fate of one’s country and forget one’s own family

嫠不恤纬lí bù xù wěi

嫠:寡妇;恤:忧虑;纬:织物的横丝。寡妇不怕纬纱少织不成布,只怕亡国。比喻忧国忘私。A patriot who cares not for his own enterprise, he is so concerned about his country that he forgets his own home.





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