[书] ❶ (孳生) multiply;breed;propagate ❷ (跳动) move up and down;beat;pulsate 另见 see also miǎn;wǎn。
❶ (分娩) give birth to: 分 ~ childbirth; parturition; delivery ❷ [书] (上下跳动) move up and down 另见 see also wǎn。 ◆娩出 be delivered of a child; give birth to; 娩后 puerperium
Ⅰ [书] ❶ (柔顺) gentle and agreeable ❷ (美好) pretty ❸ (迟缓) slow Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 倩 Wan Qian 另见 see also miǎn。