释义 |
威风凛凛wēi fēng lǐn lǐnhave a commanding presence; be of forbidding appearance; in a dignified and impressive manner; in a great state; in full regalia; look awe-inspiring (/stern and forbidding);majesticlooking; with an imposing air; with great dignity ❍ 这平常日子~的老爷也会像斗败的公鸡似的垂头丧气,阿二在曾府做长工十年以来,还是第一次看见呢!(茅盾 《子夜》98) During the ten years that A Er had worked for him,Zeng Canghai had always seemed a formidable figure,so it came as a revelation to see him shaken and unnerved like a defeated fighting cock. ❍ 说起从这些图画上所得的孔夫子的模样的印象来,则这位先生是一位很瘦的老头子; 身穿大袖口的长袍子,腰带上插着一把剑,或者腋下挟着一枝杖,然而从来不笑,非常~的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—143) The impression gained of Confucius from these representations was that he was a very lean old gentleman in a long,wide-sleeved gown with either a sword at his waist or a staff under his arm,who never smiled but looked thoroughly awe inspiring. ❍ 王强身后的队员们又都握着二十响,更显得~。(知侠 《铁道游击队》556) The men behind Wang Qiang were all with their awe-striking cocked pistols in their hands. ❍ 那一大群身子高,拳头大,理直气壮的农民们,手里拿着扁担和萝筐,~地挤在全义生店门外,一直延伸到店内的大厅和二花厅。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—64) A large group of tall,husky peasants with carrying-poles and baskets in their heads,crowded boldly into the entrance to the office of Quan Yisheng.They penetrated the main hall and the middle reception hall. ❍ 是一个姓赵的,某某饭店里有他的包月房间,某某屋顶花园每天下午他去兜一趟圈子,四十来岁,一个~的大个子。(茅盾《子夜》243) A man named Zhao.He’s got a room in a hotel,and strolls round a certain roof-garden every evening—a big,imposing sort of man in his forties. ❍ 真是~,比在戏台上的什么皇帝出场堂皇得多。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—67) The scene looked truly more impressive than when an actor appears as an emperor on the stage in an opera. ❍ 此时汽车戛然而止;老关忙即跳下车去,摸摸腰间的勃郎宁,又向四下里瞥了一眼,就过去开了车门,~地站在旁边。(茅盾《子夜》4)The car jarred to a stop and Guan quickly scrambled out,placing his hand on the Browning at his side as he did so and glancing all around. Then he went round and opened the other door and stoodholding it looking stern and forbidding. ❍ 熊秉坤和金兆龙~地站在队伍前面,高声喊: …… (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ —253) Standing out in front of the entire formation,Xiong Bingkun and Jin Zhaolong shouted to the men with authority. 威风凛凛wēi fēnɡ lǐn lǐn凛凛:严肃、可敬畏的样子。形容气概威严,令人敬畏。majestic-looking, with great dignity, awful, have a commanding presence |