安理会~秘书长对此事进行调查。The Security Council entrusted the Secretary General with the task of investigating the matter./秘书长~我代他主持今天的会议。The Secretary General asked me to chair the meeting on his behalf./这件事就~你了。I leave this matter to you./代表们带着人民的~,聚集一堂,共商国家大事。Mandated by the people,the delegates assembled to discuss state affairs./~小组委员会负责起草决议entrust the subcommittee with the responsibility of drafting the resolution /~保证金consignment guarantee money/~存款entrusted deposit/~方entrusting party;party giving the mandate/~人trustor/~商店commission shop;commission house/~书letter of attorney; power of attorney;letter of commitment;commission