释义 |
始shǐⅠ ❶ (最初; 起头) beginning; start: 自 ~ 至终 from beginning to end; from start to finish; ~ 而不解, 继而恍然。 At first I didn't catch on, then I suddenly saw the light. ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 成 Shi Cheng Ⅱ (开始) start; begin: 不知 ~ 于何时 not know exactly when this came into being; 千里之行, ~ 于足下。 A thousand-li journey begins with the first step. 它 ~ 于二月, 一直延续至八月或九月。 It begins in [with] February, running on to August or September. Ⅲ [书] (才) only then; not ... until: 坚持学习, ~ 能不断进步。 Steady progress can only be the result of persistent study.; Only persistent study yields steady progress. 群众大会结束后, 广场 ~ 能通行。 Traffic cannot pass through the square until the mass meeting is over. ◆ 始点 initial point; 始发港 {交} port of departure; 始发站 starting station; station of departure; 始寒武 {地} Eocambrian; 始乱终弃 First he abused her and in the end he gave her up.; have illicit intercourse at the beginning and desert her at the end; forsake after having dallied with; discard (kick away) after having made use of; 始末 beginning and end; whole story; 始新世 {地} Eocene epoch; 始业 the beginning of the school year; 始终 from beginning to end; from start to finish; all along; throughout; 始终不懈[怠] no relaxation during the time of; unremitting; untiring; 始终不渝 always to persist firmly in; unswerving; consistent; steadfast; 始终如一 be consistent from beginning to end; be always the same from first to last; be similar throughout; have remained the same all along; persist unswervingly; stick on from first to last; 始祖 first ancestor; earliest ancestor; 始作俑者 the initiator of evil; creator of a bad precedent |