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单词 妖魔鬼怪

妖魔鬼怪yāo mó guǐ guài

demons and ghosts;monsters of every description; devils,ghosts and goblins; all the forces of evil
❍ 就是~碰到你,也得吓得蒙了台。(冯志《敌后武工队》96)Any demon that met up with you would lose his bearings.
❍ 这是大海的怒涛,一切~都被冲走了。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》136)This is a raging tidal wave sweeping away all demons and monsters.
❍ 并肩携手,英勇战斗,把一切~消灭干净,让鲜红的太阳照遍全球。(《东方红》朗诵词37)Shoulder to shoulder,hand in hand,let us wipe out evil and watch the red sun rise to light up the whole world!/世界上~还多得很,要消灭它们还需要一定时间; …… (何其芳《不怕鬼的故事》序)…there are still plenty of devils,ghosts and goblins in the world,and it will take some time to wipe them out./ “我什么也没有看见!”成岗怒吼起来,“除了在光天化日之下不敢露面的~!”(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》389)“I saw nothing.”shouted Cheng Gang,“except ghouls and ghosts who don’t dare show their faces in broad daylight!”

妖魔鬼怪yao mo gui guai

demons and ghosts

妖魔鬼怪yao mo gui guai

demons and ghosts


demons and monsters; monsters of every description;all the forces of evil

妖魔鬼怪yāo mó ɡuǐ ɡuài

比喻干坏事、害人的人。devils, demons and ghosts, all the forces of evil, evil spirits of all kinds





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