妈(媽)mā ❶ [口] (母亲) ma; mum; mummy; mother ❷ (称长一辈或年长的已婚妇女) a form of address for a married woman of one's elder generation: 舅 ~ (maternal) aunt (wife of mother's brother ); 姑 ~ (paternal) aunt (father's sister); 大 ~ (paternal) aunt (wife of father's elder brother); 姨 ~ (maternal) aunt (mother's sister) ❸ (旧时称中年或老年的女仆) a form of address for a middle-aged or old maidservant: 王 ~ maid Wang; 老 ~ 子 maid ◆妈妈 [口] ma; mum; mummy; mother |