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单词 如坐针毡

如坐针毡rú zuò zhēn zhān

feel as if sitting on a bed of nails (/on thorns); be like a hen on a hot griddle; be on hot coals (/nettles/edge/pins and needles/tenter-hooks); feel extremely (/very);uneasy; fidgety; in an extremely uncomfortable position
❍ 羞得靳法官脸皮一阵白,一阵红,心慌意乱,~。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》30) His face reddening and blanking alternatively,Jin grew extremely fidgety,as if he were sitting on thorns.
❍ 几个下级军官~,眼睛都看着敌张军长。(沈西蒙等《南征北战》48) Some junior officers start as if stung.All eyes turn to General Zhang.
❍ 旦夕~,似此为人,不如早亡! (《三国演义》574) We pass our days in constant discomfort,like sitting on a rug full of needles. If life is to be like this one were better dead.
❍ 小弟闻得,~,连连写了十数封书,去贵庄问信,不知曾到也不? (《水浒全传》402)When I heard of the case,I felt very uneasy and although I wrote several letters to your home I do not know whether you have received them.

如坐针毡ru zuo zhen zhan

be on pins and needles


as if sitting on a rug full of needles;be on pins and needles;be on tenterhooks

如坐针毡rú zuò zhēnɡ zhān

像坐在插了针的毛毡上一样。比喻心神不安。be on tenterhooks, lie on a bed of thorns, be on pins and needles





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