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单词 如临大敌

如临大敌rú lín dà dí

as if confronted (/faced/face to face) with a formidable enemy; as if facing a mortal (/powerful) enemy; as if for battle; as if one were expecting some formidable enemy to appear; be on one’s guard for all possible dangers
❍ 被口号声惊动了的猫头鹰,领着一伙特务,吆喝着,冲进地坝,~地在四周摆开了阵势。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》249) Alarmed by the recent uproar,the Owl dashed into the yard at the head of a swarm of agents,yelling commands and deploying his men as if for battle.
❍ 既是一伙儿,怎么会分成两批,一批举着枪,架着炮,~,一批却挺着身躯,作他们同伙的枪靶?(叶圣陶《倪焕之》399)If we were together,how was it that we had split into two groups,one of them with rifles and guns as if facing a powerful enemy and the other squaring their shoulders as they provided targets for their fellowmen’s bullets?/矮个子~地紧抱着枪,晃着刺刀;站在距离对方的三步以外,吆喝道:“把衣服脱开看看!”(吴强《红日》127) The short one positioned himself three paces from the little party,gripping his rifle tightly and brandishing his bayonet as if face to face with a formidable enemy,and shouted:“Take your clothes off and let’s have a look at you!”/你们看守人员,仍然怒目横枪,~,这种情况你应该考虑!(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》582) Your warders are still brandishing their guns and glaring at us as if we were enemies. You’d better do something about it.
❍ 这些杀气腾腾的彪形大汉,一个个叉开双腿,横眉瞪眼,~似的紧张戒备着。(杨佩瑾《剑》146) Now they stood with their legs apart and their eyes darting here and there,as if they were expecting some formidable enemy to appear at any moment.
❍ 但是那次“巡幸”到这一带,还是~,惶惶不安。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》536) When I went there the Japanese were worried and gave the appearance of being faced with a mighty foe.


as if faced with a formidable foe

如临大敌rú lín dà dí

好像面临着强大的敌人。形容戒备森严或过于紧张。as if faced with a formidable enemy, as if for battle, be on one’s guard for all possible dangers





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