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单词 如丧考妣

如丧考妣若丧考妣rú sàng kǎo bǐ

look as if bereaved of (/as if one had lost) one’s parents—look utterly wretched; be grief-stricken; wear a funeral face; be extremely pathetic; feel hysterical with anxiety
❍ 这两件,现在看起来,自然是琐屑得很,但那是十多年前单是提倡新式标点,就会有一大群人 “若丧考妣”,恨不得“食肉寝皮”的时候,所以的确是“大仗”。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—76) Naturally these things seem trivial today; but that was over ten years ago,when if you so much as advocated the new punctuation many people behaved “as if their parents had died”and longed “to eat your flesh and sleep on your skin”.So these were in fact great battles.
❍ 二十有八载,帝乃殂落,百姓~,三载。(《尚书·舜典》)After twenty-eight years the emperor demised,when the people mourned for him as for a parent for three years.
❍ 当着我们在谈判的准备工作还没有做好的时候,你们~地急着要谈判,你们闲得发慌,因此叫你们做一件合理的工作。(《毛泽东选集》 1293) At this time,when we have not yet completed preparations for the negotiations,you are pathetically anxious to negotiate and you are restless because you have too much leisure;therefore we have assigned you a reasonable job.

如丧考妣ru sang kao bi

as if one had lost one’s parents (meaning very sad)


look as if one had lost one’s parents—look utterly wretched;be very sad or sorrowful

如丧考妣rú sànɡ kǎo bǐ

丧:死去;考:父亲;妣:母亲。好像死了父母一样悲伤。look utterly wretched, extremely pathetic





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