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❶ (适合; 依照) in compliance with; according to: ~ 命 in compliance with your instructions; 遂心 ~ 意 perfectly satisfied
❷ (如同; 像) like; as; as if: 安 ~ 磐石 as solid as a rock; 亲 ~ 一家 as dear to each other as members of one family; ~ 你所说 as you've said; 湖平 ~ 镜。 The lake is as smooth as a mirror.
❸ (用于否定: 及; 比得上) can compare with; be as good as: 天时不 ~ 地利, 地利不 ~ 人和。 The time isn't as important as the terrain; but the terrain isn't as important as unity with the people. 我不 ~ 他。 I'm not as good as he is.; I can't compare with him.
❹ (比如) for instance; for example; such as; as: 唐朝有许多大诗人, ~ 李白、杜甫、白居易等。 The Tang Dynasty produced a host of great poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi.
❺ [书] (到; 往) go to: ~ 厕 go to the toilet Ⅱ (如果) if: ~ 不能来, 请打电话告诉我。 If you can't come, please ring me up. ~ 处理得当, 问题不难解决。 The problem will not be difficult to solve, if properly handled. ~ 有困难, 找我好了。 In case of difficulty, just call on me. Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 淳 Ru Chun
◆如臂使指 as the arm directing the fingers — command [direct] with ease as one wishes; 如常 commonplace; ordinary; as usual; 如痴如醉 delude one to folly; be out of one's mind; lose one's mind; 如出一口 Everyone says so.; All say the same thing.; in one voice; 如出一辙 run in the same groove; be cut from the same cloth as; be exactly the same as; be no different from; coincide with; follow the same pattern; follow the same track with; identical with; originate from the same source; 如此 so; such; in this way; like that; so-called; 如此等等 and so on and so forth; et cetera; 如此而已 and [so] that's [was] that; No more than that.; That is what it all adds up to; 如此这般 thus and thus; so and so; such and such; 如次 as follows; 如堕烟海 as if lost in a fog; as if lost on [into] a misty sea; be all abroad; be completely at sea [at a loss]; be puzzled; confused and without a clue; lose one's bearing; lose track of the sequence of events; 如法炮制 be modeled on; do as someone else has done; follow sb.'s example; follow suit; imitate what was done by others; make sth. by an old formula; play the sedulous ape; prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method — to follow a set pattern; 如故 as before; as usual; like old friends; 如果 if; in case; in the event of; supposing that; 如何 how; what; 如虎添[生; 得]翼 be a tiger with wings added; just like adding wings to a tiger; like a tiger which has got wings; like a tiger who has grown wings; like a tiger with wings; like giving wings to a tiger; like tigers taking wing; make sb. grow like winged tigers; with might redoubled; 如花似玉 as pretty as a flower; as pretty [beautiful] as flower and jade; (be of exquisite beauty), looking like a slender flower of jade; 如火如荼 like a raging fire; flaring (up) like fire set to dry tinder; growing vigorously; massed together in splendid formation; 如火中烧 like a fire burning in one's heart; be all burnt up; be very angry;
如获至宝 seem to have hit the jackpot; as if a precious jewel had fallen into one's hands; (overjoyed) as if one had discovered [found] a precious treasure; feel as if one had discovered some precious relic; feel as if one had found a treasure; foster ... like treasured possessions; rejoice over a windfall; seize ... as heaven-sent; 如饥似[如]渴 be like hunger and thirst to; as if thirsting or hungering for sth.; (study) assiduously; be hungry for [after]; eagerly; hunger and thirst for [after]; thirst for; 如箭离弦 like an arrow released [discharged] from the bowstring; quick(ly) like an arrow from a bow; streak off like an arrow from the string of a bow; 如箭在弦 be like an arrow in [on] the bow — poised to strike; as an arrow on the strain ̄ing cord — ready to start; 如胶似漆 love each other dearly; be closely bound together (as lovers); be firmly [deeply] attached to each other; cleave together as firmly and inseparably as glue and lacquer; (Their two hearts) clung together as closely as though one were painted upon the other.; (The two) had become as closely attached to each other as glue and lacquer and were now an inseparable pair.; have an affection like glue and varnish — to be inseparable; Like glue and lacquer they clung together.; remain glued to each other; stick [cling] to each other like glue; stick together like glue and varnish; 如今 nowadays; these days; at present; now; 如来(佛) {佛教} Buddha; 如狼牧羊 like a wolf shepherding sheep — to rule the people oppressively; like a wolf shepherding the sheep — oppression of the people by bad officials; 如狼似虎 be fierce [savage] as tigers and wolves; as ferocious as wolves and [or] tigers; like cruel beasts of prey; like wolves and tigers; rule the people oppressively; 如雷贯耳 like thunder piercing the ear — said of sb.'s name; It has struck my ears like the roar of thunder.; like a thunderclap piercing the ear; piercing one's ear like thunder; reverberate like thunder; 如临大敌 be on one's guard for [against] all possible dangers; as though [as if] confronted by a formidable [powerful] enemy; as if one were facing a formidable enemy; be prepared for any eventualities (as if facing a mortal enemy); regard the situation as very grave [critical]; 如临深渊 as if [as though] on the brink of a deep gulf [abyss]; act with extreme caution; feel like standing upon the edge of an abyss; 如履薄冰 tread as if on thin ice — to be very careful; as if treading on [upon] eggs; as if treading on thin ice; like walking on thin ice; timidly, as though tread ̄ing on holy ground; 如履平地 (tread the water) as though walking upon flat ground; as easily as though walking upon a level road; (One may traverse the river) as easily as walking on firm earth.; 如梦初觉[醒] wake up as (one) from a drunken sleep; ... as if wak ̄ing from a dream; be as one awakened from a dream; It seemed to somebody as though he had awakened from a dream.; wake up as if from a dream; 如鸟兽散 flee helter-skelter; scatter like birds or wild animals; (of a group of people [an organization]) to flee in utter disorder; 如牛负重 toil like a beast of burden; be overburdened; carry a heavy load on one's back like an ox; like loads on the backs of oxen; like beasts of burden; 如期 as scheduled; by the scheduled time; in time; on schedule; 如其 if; 如日方升 as the sun is just rising; having broad and bright propects; like the rising (red) sun; rise like the morning sun; 如日中天 like the sun in midsky — to be very influential; like the sun at high noon; 如入无人之境 encounter little resistance; advance unopposed; breaking all resistance; like entering an unpeopled land; (of troops) meet with no enemy resistance as if entering an unpeopled land; 如若 if; 如丧考妣 wear a funeral face as if newly bereft of both parents; be grief-stricken as if bereaved of parents; grieved as if one had lost parents; 如上 as above; 如实 strictly according to the facts; as things really are; accurately; truthfully; 如释重负 feel a sense of relief; as if a heavy weight had been lifted from one's mind; as if a load had been lifted (from); as if relieved [released] from a big [a heavy] burden; as if relieved of a heavy load; as though a great burden had been taken off one's shoulder; ... do not feel like Atlas any longer; feel as if a big load had been taken off one's mind; feel oneself freed from a grievous burden; feel relieved; free from a burden; heave a sigh of relief; 如数家珍 as if enumerating one's family valuables — can speak on a subject with great familiarity; be very familiar with one's subject; 如数 exactly the number or amount; 如汤沃雪 disappear like snow when hot water is thrown on it; ... as though hot water were poured upon snow; as easy as melting snow by pouring hot water on it; like melting snow with hot water — easily done; 如同 like; similar to; as; 如闻其声,如见其人 ... can hear sb.'s voice and see his smile as clearly as if he were standing before you; (of character delineation) vivid, true to life; with colour and life; 如下 as follows; as below; 如蚁附膻 like ants seeking sth. ranksmelling — a swarm of people running after unwholesome things [leaning on influential people for support]; like a myriad of ants swarming about a piece of meat that smells; like ants attaching themselves to what is rank and foul; like ants clinging on the putrid carcass — where there is profit, all struggle for it.; 如意 as one wishes; as one likes it; according to one's wishes; 如意算盘 reckon without one's host; calculations based on wishful thinking; indulge in wishful thinking; smug (overall) calculations; the smug calculation; wishful thinking; 如影随形 as the shadow follows the form [the person] — very closely associated with each other; be a person's shadow; be a true reflection of; be on intimate terms with each other; like the shadow following the body [person]; 如鱼得水 feel just like a fish in water; as a duck takes to the water; as fish getting to the water; as if the fish had got into the water again; be in one's element; get along with one another swimmingly (like fish in water); like a duck to water; like a stranded fish put back into water; like fish let into the water; 如愿以偿 ... have got one's wish; accomplish everything agreeable [according] to one's wishes; achieve what one wishes; All things come to him who waits.; attain one's end [wish]; bring about the result one wanted; bring home the bacon; crown one's wishes; ... have got all that is wanted; have one's way [will]; have one's wish fulfilled; meet [answer; come up to] one's expectation; meet one's wishes; obtain [gratify] one's heart's desire; obtain what is desired; One's wish is fulfilled.; 如约 [书] according to appointment; 如醉方醒 wake up as one from a drunken sleep; as if just sobered up from intoxication; recover as from a fit of drunkenness; 如醉如痴 be in ecstasies (over); be as if drunk [stupefied]; be imbibed in; out of one's mind; 如坐针毡 sit on pins and needles; as if sitting on a spiked rug; be in an extremely uncomfortable position; be kept on the anxious seat; be on nettles; be on tenterhooks; be [sit; stand; walk] upon [on] thorns; feel as if sitting on a bed of nails; feel extremely uneasy; like a cat on hot bricks; sit on a cushion of needles — ill at ease; sit on thorns; sitting on a rug [a carpet] full of needles





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