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单词 好汉不吃眼前亏

好汉不吃眼前亏hǎo hàn bù chī yǎn qián kuī

a wise man doesn’t fight impossible odds;a wise man never fights at a disadvantage; a wise man knows when to retreat; a clever fellow will extricate himself from a disadvantageous position wherever possible; dis cretion is the better part of valour; there is no sense in asking for trouble
❍ ~,右手紧握三号勃朗宁,往棉袄口袋一插,装做很坦然的样子,从里屋走出来。(冯志《敌后武工队》52) A wise man doesn’t put up a fight when the odds are against him. He grabbed his Browning pistol and thrust it in the pocket of his padded coat.Then,trying to appear as though nothing had happened,he emerged from his room.
❍ 孩子,你要知道,~。他现在在台面上,拉他一把,对我们有好处。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—213) My boy,you must realize that a wise man never deliberately runs his head against a brick wall. At the moment he’s sitting on top. It’s our interests to get in with him.
❍ 仲翁,~;你这时不能露脸! (茅盾《子夜》479) Remember,Zhongwen: ‘Discretion is the better part of valour!’ It wouldn’t be wise for you to show yourself just now!/别惹他们。这一帮人不好惹,~。(《曹禺选集·日出》154) Don’t get on the wrong side of them. People like that can be nasty if you annoy them. Only a fool goes looking for trouble.
❍ 他想了一阵,躲在厂长室是不行的了,~,不如下去见机行事。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—64) He thought for a moment. I wouldn’t be any use trying to hide away up here in his office,there was no sense in asking for trouble. The best thing he could do would be to go down and make the most of what opportunities presented themselves.
❍ 他心里想:“~,”就没有动手。(周立波《山乡巨变》210)He thought:“The true man doesn’t act rashly,there are so many of them,”and stayed still.

好汉不吃眼前亏hao han bu chi yan qian kui

a wise man will not fight when the odds are obviously against him


a wise man doesn’t fight against impossible odds; a smart man does not fight when the odds are obviously against him; a wise man knows when to retreat

好汉不吃眼前亏hǎo hàn bù chī yǎn qián kuī

有胆识的人能够见机行事,不会陷入目前的困境中。a wise man knows when to retreat, a wise man doesn’t fight against impossible odds





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:22:37