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单词 好吃懒做

好吃懒做好喝懒做hào chī lǎn zuò

be gluttonous and lazy; be piggish; care for nothing except eating; eat one’s head off (and fool one’s time away); fond of eating and averse to work; like to eat but hate to work
❍ 封肃见面时,便说些现成话儿,且人前人后,又怨他不会过,只一味~。(《红楼梦》11) ❶While Feng Su kept admonishing him to his face and complaining to all and sundry behind his back of his incompetence,idleness and extravagance.
❷Feng Su would treat him to a few pearls of rustic wisdom whenever they met,but behind his back would grumble to all and sundry about “incompetents”and“people who liked their food but were too lazy to work for it.”/可惜他又有一样坏脾气,便是好喝懒做。(《鲁迅选集》上—12) Unfortunately he had failings:he liked drinking and was lazy.
❍ 一切军民人等凡不注意生产反而~的,不算好军人、好公民。(《毛泽东选集》866)Any soldier or civilian who is not serious about production and who likes to eat but does not like to work cannot be considered a good soldier or a good citizen.

好吃懒做hao chi lan zuo

be fond of eating and averse to work


fondness for eating and aversion to work; self-indulgent and lazy; be greedy(or gluttonous)and lazy

好吃懒做hào chī lǎn zuò

贪图吃喝享受,不愿干活。like to eat but hate to work,care for nothing except eating, be lazy and fond of good food





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