释义 |
好hǎoⅠ ❶ (优点多的;使人满意的) good;fine;nice: ~ 姑娘 a nice girl;~ 年成 a good year;~ 天气 nice [lovely] weather;~ 消息 good news; 人民的 ~ 儿女 fine sons and daughters of the people; 你帮他的忙,真太 ~ 了。 It's nice of you to help him. 庄稼长得真 ~。 The crops are doing well. ❷ (健康;痊愈) be in good health;get well: 就年纪而论,他的身体 ~ 极了。 His health is wonderful for a man of his age. 你 ~ ! Hello! 她现在身体比去年 ~ 了。 She is in better health now than (she was) last year. 我的病 ~ 了。 I'm well [all right] now. ❸ (亲爱;和睦;友好) friendly;kind: ~ 朋友 great [good] friend; 他对妻子儿女很 ~。 He was kind with his wife and children. 他们从小就很 ~。 They have been close friends since childhood. 这两个孩子又 ~了。 The two children have become friends again. ❹ (用在动词后,表示完成或达到完善的地步): 计划做 ~ 了吗? — 还没做 ~。 Have you got the plan ready yet? — No,not yet. 文章写 ~ 了。 The article has been finished. 午饭快准备 ~ 了。 Lunch is almost ready. 坐 ~ 吧,要开会了。 Take your seats please. The meeting is going to begin. ❺ (容易) be easy (to do);be convenient: 暖瓶放在这儿 ~ 拿。 It's handy to have the thermos here. 这本书可不 ~ 买。 This book is not easily available. 这个问题 ~ 回答。 This question is easy to answer. ❻ (用在动词前,表示使人满意的性质在哪方面): 这本小说很 ~ 看。 This novel is very interesting. 这支笔挺 ~ 使。 This pen writes very well. 这支歌很 ~ 听。 This is a very pleasant song. 这种鱼很 ~ 吃。 This fish is very tasty [delicious]. Ⅱ ❶ (表示赞许、同意或结束等语气): ~ ,就这么办。 O.K.,it's settled. ~ 了,不要再说了。 All right,no need to say any more. 我打开电视机好吗? — ~ ,请打开吧。 Shall I turn on the TV? — Yes,please. ❷ (反话,表示不满意或幸灾乐祸): ~ ,这下可麻烦了。 Well,we're in for trouble now. Ⅲ ❶ (便于) so as to;so that: 把她的地址告诉我,我 ~ 找她。 Tell me her address so that I can go and see her. 把这件事做完,~ 再开始另一件。 Finish this so that you can start another. 别忘了带伞,下雨 ~ 用。 Don't forget to take your umbrella in case it rains. 今儿早点睡,明儿 ~ 早起赶火车。 Let's turn in early,so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train. ❷ (用在数量词、时间词前面,表示多或久): ~ 半天 quite a while;~ 久 very long time;quite long;~ 几个月 several months; 她上街买了 ~ 多东西。 She went shopping and bought quite a few things. ❸ (用在形容词、动词前,表示程度深,并带感叹语气): ~ 大的工程! What a huge project! ~ 冷啊! How cold it is! ~ 漂亮! How beautiful! ~ 深的一条河! What a deep river! 你这个人 ~ 糊涂! You are such a fool! 前些日子我 ~ 忙了一阵子。 I was quite busy some time ago. 这事 ~ 险哪! That was a near thing! ❹ (用在形容词前面问数量或程度, 用法跟 “多” 相同): 机场离这儿 ~ 远?How far is the airport from here? ❺ (用于套语): ~ 睡! Good night! ~ 走! Goodbye! Ⅳ [方] (应该;可以) may;can;should: 时间不早了,你 ~ 走了。 It's getting late. You ought to get going. 我 ~ 进来吗? May I come in? Ⅴ ❶ (指表扬的话或喝彩声): 讨 ~ curry favour with;ingratiate oneself with; 观众连声叫 ~。 The audience broke into loud cheers. ❷ (表示问候): 你去见着他,别忘了给我捎个 ~ 儿。 Don't forget to convey my regards when you see him. 向你的父母问 ~。 Give my love to your parents. 另见 see also hào。 ◆好啊 (惊讶、赞叹) Well!;Well done!;Good!;Excellent!;Great stuff! Wonderful man! That's the style! That's the way! Bravo! Hurrah! Ah! Aha! Ho! Oh! Attaboy! Capital! That's champion! Well run!;好办 easy to handle; 好比 can be compared to;may be likened to;be just like; 好不害臊 For shame!;好不 how;what; 好策略 good strategy; 好吃 good to eat;tasty;delicious;toothsomeness;palatable;nice; 好处[chǔ] be easy to get along with; 好处[chu] good;benefit;advantage;gain;profit;mileage,package; 好处费 favour fees; 好歹 good and bad;what's good and what's bad;mishap;disaster;in any case;at any rate;anyhow;no matter in what way;anyhow; 好端端 in perfectly good condition;when everything is all right; 好多 a good many;a good deal;a great many;a lot of;[方] how many;how much; 好蜂不采落地花 The wise bee does not sip from a flower that has fallen.; 好感 good opinion;favorable impression; 好钢用在刀刃上 use the best steel to make the knife's edge — use material where it is needed most;use the best material at the key point; 好狗不挡路 Good dogs don't get underfoot.; 好过 have an easy time;be in easy circumstances;feel well; 好汉 brave man;true man;hero; 好汉不吃眼前亏 A wise man does not fight when the odds are against him.;A wise man knows when to retreat.;A clever fellow will extricate himself from a disadvantageous position wherever possible.; 好汉不打,不成相识 If two never quarrel,they can never know each other well enough to be friends.;From an exchange of blows,friendship grows.; 好汉不提当年勇 A hero is silent about his past glories.; 好汉上场,一人顶两 be a host in oneself; 好汉做事好汉当 A true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his own actions.; 好好儿 well;all out;to one's heart's content;in perfectly good condition;when everything is all right; 好好先生 one who tries not to offend anybody;a man who is always polite and never says no;a person who offers no resistance;a yes-man; 好好学习,天天向上 study well and make progress every day; 好话 a good word;word of praise;fine words; 好话说尽,坏事做绝 mouth pious sentiments while doing the most dastardly deeds;a sinner under the guise of a saint;For all their fine words,they stop at no crime.;mouth the nicest things while committing the most outrageous crimes;rattling out the most attractive rhetoric while doing the dirtiest things;say all the fine things while doing all the vilest actions;say every fine word and do every foul deed; 好坏不分 not to distinguish the good from the bad;Good or bad work makes no difference.;No difference was made between those who did a good job and those who did shoddy work.; 好货无需招徕 Good wine needs no bush.; 好家伙 good god;good heavens;good lord;good gracious; 好借好还 make it a point to return everything one has borrowed; 好景不常长 Not every day is Sunday.;It was a delightful scene,but not for long.;A good time never lasts long.;A sweet dream is short-lived.;Good times don't [cannot] last long.;Happy days will not last long.;Happy days (for sb.) will soon be over.;Pleasant hours fly fast.;The morning sun never lasts long.; 好看 good- looking;nice;interesting;honoured;be in a fix;in an embarrassing situation;on the spot; 好莱坞 Hollywood; 好料 honest material; 好了疮疤忘了痛 forget the pain after the wound is healed;forget the bitter past when released from one's suffering;One has forgotten the pain now that one's wounds have healed.;Once on shore,we pray no more.;When the sore is well,the pain is forgotten.; 好离好散 part [separate] peacefully [in peace] from each other; 好马不吃回头草 A good horse will never turn round to graze on an old pasture.; 好梦不长 Beautiful dreams are soon to be interrupted.; 好能见度 good visibility; 好女不穿嫁时衣 Good daughters don't wear clothes from their own homes after they marry.; 好朋友,勤算账 Short accounts [reckonings] make long friends.; 好评 favourable comment;high opinion; 好气处理 aerobic treatment; 好气儿 [口] good manners; 好球 well played;good shot;bravo; 好人 good [fine] person;a healthy person;a person who tries to get along with everyone; 好人多磨难 Good men usually suffer much.; 好人好事 good personalities and good deeds;good people and good [exemplary] deeds;good people and good things;fine people and fine deeds; 好日子 [旧] auspicious day;wedding day;good days;happy life; 好容易 with great difficulty;have a hard time (doing sth.); 好声好气 [口]in a kindly manner;(to speak) in a good-natured way;gently;in a gentle voice; 好生 quite;exceedingly;[方] carefully;properly; 好使 be convenient to use;work well; 好事 good deed;good turn;[旧] an act of charity;good works;[书] happy event; 好事不出门,恶事传千里 Good deeds are never heard of outside the door,but bad deeds are proclaimed for three hundred miles.;Good deeds always stay indoors,while scandals travel a thousand li.;Good works most frequently remain hidden,while evil deeds become known at a distance of a thousand li.;Honour goes on crutches while discredit flies apace.;Misdeeds always receive the maximum publicity,while good deeds are relegated to obscurity.;News of good works seldom go beyond the threshold of the house,but reports of evil deeds are quickly circulated for a thousand miles around.; 好事成双 Good things should be in pairs.; 好事多磨 The road to happiness is strewn with setbacks.;Good things are a long time in coming.;The realization of good things is usually preceded by rough goings.; The course of true love never did run smooth.;Love's course seldom runs smooth.; 好事过头,反成坏事 too much of a good thing; 好手 good hand;past master; 好受 feel better;feel more comfortable; 好书如挚友,情谊永不渝 A good book is the best of friends,the same today and forever.; 好说歹说 try every possible way to persuade sb.; 好说话儿 amiable;good-natured;easy to deal with; 好死不如恶[歹]活 A living ass is better than a dead lion.; 好似 seem;be like; 好天儿 fine day;lovely weather; 好听 pleasant to hear; 好玩儿 amusing;interesting; 好闻 smell good;pleasant to smell; 好戏 good play;[讽] great fun; 好下场 good end; 好像 seem;be like; 好笑 laughable;funny;ridiculous; 好些 quite a lot;a good deal of; 好心 good intention; 好心好意 have one's heart in the right place;goodwilled and well-intentioned;with goodwill;with good intentions; 好心有好报 Good-heartedness often meets with recompense.;Your charity would be rewarded.; 好性儿 good temper; 好言相劝 plead with tactful words; 好言相慰 soothe someone with fair [sweet] words; 好样儿的 [口] (of a man or woman) fine example;great [good] fellow; 好一个 what a;好意 good intention;kindness; 好意思 have the nerve; 好意相劝 give well-intentioned advice;offer well-meaning advice; 好约化 good reduction; 好在 fortunately;luckily; 好中选好 sort out the best from among the good; 好主意 That's an excellent idea.;That's a wonderful idea.;That's a marvelous idea.;That's a good idea.;That's a brilliant idea.;That's a practical idea.;What's a capital idea!;好转 take a turn for the better;take a favourable turn;improve;improvement; 好自为之 conduct oneself well;go ahead;try to do your best
好hàoⅠ ❶ (喜欢;喜爱) like;love;be fond of: ~ 表现 like to show of; 虚心 ~ 学 be modest and eager to learn; 他 ~ 开玩笑。 He is fond of jesting. ❷ (易于) be liable to: ~ 发脾气 apt to lose one's temper;~ 伤风 be subject to colds;~ 晕船 be liable to seasickness;be a bad sailor Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 谦 Hao Qian 另见 see also hǎo。 ◆好吃好喝 be fond of food and drink; 好吃懒做 be fond of eating and averse to work;be gluttonous and lazy;be lazy and fond of good food;be piggish;caring for nothing but eating;eat one's head off;like to eat but not to work; 好吃盐 haliphagia; 好出风头 like to get into the limelight;be fond of the limelight; 好大喜功 like to do grandiose things to impress people;attempt to do sth. overambitious and unrealistic;be ambitious;crave after [for] greatness [great things] and success;crave greatness and success;flamboyant;ambitious for great achievements;have a fondness for the grandiose; 好斗 bellicose; 好斗象甲 {动} pales weevil; 好高鹜远 crave after [for] sth. high and out of reach;aim too high;bite off more than one can chew;feel inclined to preeminence;hitch one's wagon to a star;reach for what is beyond one's grasp;run after far-off things;try to run before one can walk; 好管闲事 have an oar in every man's (boat);be fond of meddling in other man's business;like poke and pry;enjoy having one's finger in every pie;pose one's nose in other people's affairs; 好洁成癖 excessive fondness for cleanliness; 好酒废事 be given to wine and neglect one's business; 好酒贪杯 be fond of the bottle; 好客 be hospitable;keep open house; 好利无信 prefer benefits at the expense of one's reputation;prefer benefits at the expense of faith; 好谋善断 resourceful and decisive;sagacious and resolute; 好谋无断 be fond of scheming,but fail to make a decision;be fond of grandiose schemes,but unable to take a decision; 好奇 be curious;be full of curiosity; 好气 aerobic gas; 好强 eager to do well in everything; 好善乐施 be happy in doing good;always glad to give to charities;be always ready to help in a worthy cause;be prodigal of benefactions;do good naturally and happily;interested in charities;love to do philanthropic work; 好色 lust for women;fond of women; 好善恶恶 love the good and hate (the) evil; 好尚 love and uphold; 好生之德 take pleasure in the welfare of living things;the virtue in [of] sparing animal life; 好胜 having a desire to excel;seek to do others down;try to be preeminent; 好胜心强 loving to excel others; 好事 meddlesome;officious; 好为人师 be fond of teaching others;have a tendency to sermonize people;like to be a master to others;like to lecture other people;presumptuously to lecture people; 好问 great curiosity to ask all sorts of questions; 好恶 likes and dislikes;taste; 好贤礼士 delight in wise men and appreciate soldiers [scholars];好行小惠 take pleasure in giving [doing] small favours;be fond of playing petty tricks;like to bestow petty [small] favours; 好学 studious;fond of learning; 好学不倦 never tired of studying;devotedly attached to learning and never get wearied;be insatiable of learning; 好学不厌 be insatiable of learning; 好逸恶劳 love leisure and hate labour;despise labour and love ease;dislike work and love ease;indulge in ease and comfort and dislike labour;love ease and hate work;seek after comforts and abominate labour;shun labour and indulge in ease; 好勇喜斗 be fond of bravery and fighting; 好谀悦色 regard flattery as pleasure and cherish lust as desire; 好战 bellicose;warlike; 好战成性 warlike; 好整以暇 remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs;take things easy |