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❶ (女性; 女子) woman; female: ~ 歌手 songstress; ~ 民兵 militiawoman
❷ (女儿) daughter; girl: 独生 ~ one's only daughter; 私生 ~ natural daughter; 长 ~ eldest daughter; 子 ~ sons and daughters; childen
❸ (二十八宿之一) Nü, one of the lunar mansions
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 叔 Nü Shu
◆女扮男装 a woman disguised as a man; girls dressed as boys; She disguised herself as a man.; 女伴 a female companion; 女傧 bridesmaid; 女博士 [书] a talented woman; a woman with a doctor's degree; 女裁缝 tailoress; 女厕所 Ladies; Women; ladies room; women's lavatory; 女衬衫 blouse; shirt; 女大当嫁 A girl of age should be married.; A girl should get married on coming of age.; A girl should get married upon reaching womanhood.; Grown-up daughters have to marry.; 女低音 {音} alto; 女儿 daughter; girl; 女方 the bride's side; the wife's side; 女高音 {音} soprano; 女孩 girl; 女皇 empress; queen; 女家 the bride's side; the wife's family; 女教师 women teacher(s); 女眷 the womenfolk of a family; 女郎 young woman; maiden; girl; 女流 {贬} the weaker sex; 女朋友 girlfriend; 女仆 maidservant; 女强人 able woman; 女权运动 feminist movement; 女人 woman; womenfolk; 女人 [口] wife; 女色 woman's charms; 女神 goddess; 女声 {音} female voice; 女生 woman student; girl student; schoolgirl; 女士 lady; madam; 女式 women's (clothing); 女王 queen; 女巫 witch; sorceress; 女性 femininity; the female of the species; the female [fair] sex; woman; 女性文学 feminine literature; 女修道院 convent; 女婿 son-in-law; [口] husband; 女学生 girl student; 女妖 enchantress; 女阴 cysthus; vulva; 女招待 waitress; 女真 Nüzhen [Nuchen], an ancient nationality in China; 女贞 privet; glossy privet; 女中音 {音} mezzo-soprano; 女主角 feminine [female] lead; leading lady; female leading role; heroine; 女主人 hostess; woman of the house; 女装 women's dress; 女子 woman; female; 女作家 woman writer; authoress





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