释义 |
奔走相告bēn zǒu xiāng gàoeagerly pass on the news; go around spreading the news; lose no time in telling each other the news;pass the news from mouth to mouth (/the word around/the news from one person to another); rush hither and thither spreading the news; (rush about telling the happy news to each other); run round excitedly telling one another about sth ❍ 人们含着泪水,带着欢笑,~,苦盼的这个日子,终于来到了。(知侠《铁道游击队》573) With tears and smiles,they rushed about,telling the happy news to each other. The day they had looked forward to with such intense expectancy had at last arrived. ❍ 过去积极要求办社,但是仍然被关在合作社门外的贫苦农民~。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》141) Poor peasants who had so eagerly demanded a co-op but had been kept out ran round excitedly telling each other the nsws. ❍ 于是群情惊疑,~,以为又将重演十年前之惨剧。(《毛泽东选集》682) That is why the people are suspicious and shocked and are telling one another about it,and are afraid that the bitter tragedy of a decade ago is being re-enacted. ❍ 清晨,刚刚起床的师生员工发现了周总理,大家~,从四面八方聚集到周总理的身旁。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—91) Some teachers,students,staff and workers at the institute who had risen early discovered Premier Zhou,and the word was out. People came from all over the place and thronged around him. 奔走相告bēn zǒu xiānɡ ɡào奔跑着互相转告。go round spreading the news, pass the news from mouth to mouth, lose no time in telling each other the news |