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❶ (急跑) run quickly;gallop:飞 ~ dash;tear along;run like split;
狂 ~ run wildly
❷ (紧赶;赶忙;赶急事) rush about;rush to;hurry;hasten:~ 来 ~ 去 rushing about;~ 向前方 march on towards future
❸ (逃跑) flee;run away:私 ~ elope;run away;
东 ~ 西窜 flee in all directions Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 洪进 Ben Hongjing
另见 see also bèn 。
◆奔波 rush about;be busy running about;be on the go;
奔驰 run quickly;speed;gallop;
奔窜 flee about;flee and hide;scuttle off;
奔放 bold [expressive] and unrestrained;moving and forceful untrammelled;
奔赴 go to;hurry off to;hurry off for;rush to;hasten to;
奔流 flow at great speed;pour;
奔马 fleeing horse in stampede;
奔忙 be busy rushing about;be in great hurry;bustle about;bustle in and out;
奔命 rush about on errands;be kept on the run;
奔跑 run;run in great hurry;dash;rush;
奔[亲]丧 hasten home for the funeral of a parent or grandparent;hasten home upon the death of one's parent;hurry back for (parent's) funeral;
奔逃 flee off;run away;
奔腾 gallop;surge forward;roll on in waves;
奔腾不息 roll ahead ceaselessly;flow on;surge ahead;
奔袭 {军} long-range raid;
奔泻 (of torrents) rush down;pour down;
奔逸[佚]绝尘 A runaway horse gallops so fast that it leaves no trace.;a person of exceptional ability;run so fast that no one can catch up;
奔逐 chase;run after;
奔走 run;rush about;be busy running about [around];奔走呼号 go hither and thither to call for ...;go around campaigning for a cause;go around crying for help;go everywhere to uphold ...;
奔走相告 rush about telling the news [message];go [run] around spreading (the news);go round telling everyone (that ...)


❶ (直向目的地走去) go straight towards;head for:直 ~ 工地 head straight for the worksite;
投 ~ 红军 go to join the Red Army
❷ (年纪接近) approach;be getting on for:~ 五十岁了 be getting on for fifty
❸ (为某事奔走) be busy running about:需要什么? 我去 ~。 What are you in need of? I'll go and get it. Ⅱ (朝;向) toward:~ 西走去 walk toward west
另见 see also bēn 。
◆奔命 [口] be in a desperate hurry;
奔月飞行 lunar flight;
奔月轨道 lunar trajectories
另见 see also fèn。





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