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单词 merit
merit/′merɪt/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)品质,价值,优秀(feature or quality deserving reward or praise)[U]:a man of~有功绩的男子;a woman of~有功绩的妇女;an actor of~功勋演员;She is a person of some~. 她这个人有某些长处。a film/play/painting of (high)~(很)有价值的影片/剧目/油画;a number of works of (high)~许多(很)值得称道的作品;There is no/little/some/a lot of/great~in his work.他的工作没有/几乎没有/有一些/有很多/大有值得表扬之处。I don't think there's much~in its argument.我认为该论据没什么价值。What~is there in telling me about them?告诉我这些有什么意义? a certificate of~奖状;a~badge/award 奖章/优秀奖;〖同〗 value,virtue;〖反〗fault,defect;

(2)功(成)绩优点;长处(factactionor quality deserving reward or praise)[C,通常pl]:~s and faults优缺点;The~s of drinking tea/using the computer are quite obvious.喝茶/使用计算机的好处显而易见。Your speech certainly has its~(of being short).你的讲话当然有(简洁的)优点。treat sb according to his~s 按某人的情况对待某人;assess the application/consider the applicant's case/decide sb's claim on its own~s 根据其(本身)情况,评价每一份申请/考虑每个申请人/决定某人的要求;The case will be judged on the~s alone. 这案件只按其事实裁定。

vt(1)值得;应受(deservehave a right to praisecriticismetc)[T+n](fml):The book~s careful study.这本书值得仔细研究。The plan~s serious consideration.这个计划值得认真考虑。The experiment~s close examination. 这项实验值得密切观察。The news~s good celebration. 这个消息值得好好庆祝。It was not important enough to~a special discussion.此事不太重要,无须专门讨论。~punishment/disgrace/promotion/such a reward/all the praise应得到惩罚/蒙受耻辱/应得到晋升/应得到这样的报酬/确实值得赞扬;〖同〗deserve,earn;

→meri′torious adj 值得称赞的,有功的





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