释义 |
夺眶而出duó kuāng ér chūroll down one’s cheeks; spring (/well up) into one’s eyes ❍ 时传样无比激动,口虽不能说话,眼泪~。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—100) Shi,who had lost his power of speech,was deeply moved and tears of joy rolled down his cheeks. ❍ 想到这里,两行热泪~,几乎忍不住痛苦失声。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—814) Tears sprang into his eyes at the thought that he might never see the emperor again and he almost wept. ❍ 机组的同志握着总理微微发颤的手,热泪~,都满含深情地久久仰望着周总理说: “总理,您要多保重身体啊!” (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—300) Holding his slightly quivering hand,with hot tears welling up into their eyes,the comrades looked at him and said: “Premier,take good care of yourself.” 夺眶而出duó kuànɡ ér chū眶:眼的四围。形容眼泪流出来的情形。roll down one’s cheeks, burst into tears, spring into one’s eyes, brim over with tears |