释义 |
头昏眼花tóu hūn yǎn huāfeel dizzy (/faint);one’s head reeling (/swimming) and one’s vision blurred; with head giddy and eyes dazzled (/dimmed/misted) ❍ 及出厕所,酒被风吹,且年迈之人,蹲了半天,忽一起身,只觉眼花头晕,辨不出路径,……(《红楼梦》509) When she emerged the wine had gone to her head,and squatting so long had left the old creature too dizzy to remember the way she had come. ❍ 大水这一伙,一连两天水米没沾牙,饿得前腔贴后腔,渴得喉咙里冒火; 又是累,又是热,谁都~的倒在地上。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》124) The prisoners hadn’t eaten or drunk anything for two days,they were so hungry that their stomachs seemed glued to their backbones and their throats burned like fire. Hot,exhausted and dizzy,the men fell weakly to the ground. ❍ 简直把我搞得~。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》159) All this made my head reel. ❍ 刚才给他们两个人往空中一抛,重重地落在石板地上,他~,人事不知。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—35) Just now when he had been tossed into the air by the two men and had fallen heavily on to the flagstones there had been sparks before his eyes,his head had reeled and he had lost consciousness. 头昏眼花feel dizzy;feel one’s head swimming and one’s eyes blurred 头昏眼花tóu hūn yǎn huā形容头脑眩晕,眼睛看不清楚。with head giddy and eyes dazzled, feel dizzy, feel faint, see stars |