释义 |
头(頭)tóuⅠ ❶ (人或动物的顶部) head: 点 ~ nod one's head; 转过 ~ 去 turn one's head ❷ (指头发或所留的发式) hair or hair style: 平 ~ crew cut; 分 ~ parted hair; 剪 ~ have one's hair cut; 梳 ~ comb the hair ❸ (物体的顶端或末梢) top; tip; end: 笔 ~ 儿 the tip of a writing brush or pencil; the end of a pencil; 村东 ~ the east end of a village; 山 ~ the top of a hill; hilltop ❹ (事情的起点或终点) beginning or end: 话 ~ 儿 thread of discourse; 从 ~ 至尾 from beginning to end; 从 ~ 讲起 tell the story from the very beginning; 提个 ~ give sb. a lead; 到 ~ 来 in the end; finally ❺ (物品的残余部分) remnant; end; remains: 布 ~ 儿 leftover of a bolt of cloth; odd bits of cloth; 烟 ~ cigarette end [stub, stump]; 铅笔 ~ pencil stub [stump] ❻ (头目) head; chief: 工 ~ foreman; boss; 土匪 ~ chieftain; 谁是你们组的 ~? Who is the head of your group? ❼ (方面) aspect; side: 分 ~ 进行 proceed each following one assignment; 只顾一 ~ pay attention to only one aspect; 两 ~ 落空 fall between two stools; 既然决定了, 就分 ~ 去办。 Now that a decision has been made, let each one do his job. ❽ (是非界限) bounds: 做事(说话)过了 ~ go beyond the bounds of what is right Ⅱ (领头的; 次序居先的) lead; head: ~ 马 lead horse; 先 ~ 舰 a headmost ship Ⅲ ❶ (第一) first: ~ 等 first-grade; first-class; ~ 奖 first prize; ~ 胎 firstborn ❷ (用在数量词前面, 表示次序在前的) first: ~ 一次 the first time; ~ 半本 the first half part of a book; ~ 3天 the first three days ❸ [方] (用在“年”或“天”前面, 表示时间在先的) last; previous: ~ 几年 the past few years; ~ 天 the previous day; the day before Ⅳ (临; 接近) prior to; about; before: ~ 吃饭要洗手 wash hands before eating; ~ 5点就得动身 have to start before [by] five Ⅴ ❶ (用于牛、驴、骡、羊等家畜): 两 ~ 牛 two head of cattle; 一 ~ 驴 a donkey ❷ (用于蒜): 一 ~ 蒜 a bulb of garlic 另见 see also tou。 ◆头孢菌素 cynnematin; cephalosporin; 头波 bow wave; 头部 head; cephalosome; nosecone; batten; top; {航空} nose; nosing; bow; header; lead(ing) end; starting section; top end; 头彩 the first prize; 头寸 cash; money market; money supply; 头寸宽裕 easy position; easy monetary position; 头寸支绌 tight monetary position; 头戴连杆送话器 boom microphone; 头戴式耳机 headphone; head-receiver; headset; headband receiver; 头戴受话器[机] head-telephone; headpiece; head-receiver; {工声} phone; headphone; 头戴送受话器 telephone headset; headset; 头挡 first speed; first gear; 头灯 front light; head lamp; projector; 头等 first-class; first-rate; first water; 头等大事 be a cardinal question; a cardinal task; a matter [task] of primary importance; a thing of the first importance; 头垫 headrest; headring; 头顶 vertex; top; crown; skull; the top of the head; the crown of the head; 头顶青天 have the blue sky for one's roof; with the sky over one's head; 头顶[上]长疮, 脚底流脓 — 坏透了 be rotten to the core; be rotten from head to foot; (of a person) be bad in the extreme; 头额 [方] neck; 头发 hair; pile; hair on human head; 头伏 the first of the three periods of the hot season; the first day of the first period of the hot season; 头垢 dandruff; 头骨 {生理} skull; cranium; 头汗 perspiration on forehead; 头号 number one; size one; first-rate; top quality; 头昏 dizzy; giddy; dizziness; 头昏眼花 feel dizzy and with one's eyesight dimmed; dizzy; feel faint and vision blurred; groggy; mentally confused; giddy; One's head began to swim and one's eyes were misted.; One's wits are wandering.; slaphappy; with head giddy and eyes dazzled; 头奖 the first prize; 头角 brilliance; talent; 头角峥嵘 have a noble brow; a fine dignified-looking person; brilliant; eminent; outstanding; outstanding talent; prominent and dignified manner; showing extraordinary gifts; very promising; 头巾 scarf; kerchief; coverchief; headcloth; muffle; turban; wraps; dabbidar lungi; [主苏格兰] napkin; 头颈 [方] neck; 头镜 frontal mirror; head mirror; 头靠 (置于汽车椅背上方) headrest; head restraint; 头壳 head capsule; 头盔 casque; helmet; craniacea; 头里 in front; ahead; in advance; beforehand; 头领 header; headman; 头颅 head; skull; 头路 first class; first-rate; top quality; [方] main threads; [方] seam; 头帽 head cap; 头面人物 protagonist; bigwig; prominent figure; big shot; those in the lime-light; those in the upper echelons of; top people; 头目 head of a gang; ringleader; chieftain; 头目胀痛 swelling pain of head-eye; 头难剃 (of a person) hard to deal with; 头脑 brains; mind; main threads; clue; 头脑迟钝 have a slow wit; have slow wits; 头脑冬烘 badly read and extremely bigoted; die hard; ultraconservative; 头脑发昏 lose one's head; feel giddy; have a swell head; swell one's head; 头脑发胀 get [have] a swelled head; 头脑简单 be light in the head; head of a moron; simple-minded; 头脑冷静 have [keep] one's wits about one; be coolheaded; have a cool head; 头脑灵活 have a quick [ready] wit; have a mind like a steel trap; have quick wits; 头脑清醒 keep a cool head; clearheaded; sober-minded; 头年 first year; [方] last year; the previous year; 头帕 [方] cidarid; 头皮 scalp; epicranium; dandruff; scurf; 头皮发麻 blood freezes; 头皮针(术) {中医} scalp acupuncture; 头破血流 head broken and bleeding; be badly battered; bumped and bruised; have one's head bashed and battered; have one's head broken; hurt one's head badly; run into bumps and bruises; 头轻脚重 head light and feet heavy; with one's mental equilibrium being disturbed by pride; 头人 tribal chief; headman; 头如蓬葆 with shaggy hair; The head looks like a bramble.; 头晌(儿) [方] forenoon; morning; 头上冒汗 Beads of sweat stood out on one's forehead.; 头上长角, 身上长刺 have horns on one's head and prickly spines on one's back; 头生 firstborn; the firstborn child; 头绳 string for binding a plait, bun, etc.; [方] knitting wool; {采矿} sheadline; headrope; 头虱 bug; head louse; 头饰 headwear; miter; fiara; topknot; headcloth; 头胎 the firstborn; 头套 actor's headgear; 头疼 headache; 头疼脑热 headache and slight fever; slight illness; 头天 last day; the day before; the previous day; first day; 头条标题 lead headline; 头条新闻 headline news; 头童齿豁 hoary-headed and toothless; hair gone and teeth failing out; decrepit; 头痛 headache; encephalalgia; cephalea; cephalalgia; cerebralgia; 头痛发热 have a headache and fever; have a headache and high temperature; 头痛脑热 headache and slight fever; be in a fever; 头痛医头, 脚痛医脚 treat the head when the head aches, treat the foot when the foot hurts — no overall plan for a fundamental transformation; apply stop-gap and piecemeal solutions; take only palliative measures for one's illness; take stop-gap measures; treat symptoms but not the disease; 头痛欲裂 One's head is splitting.; 头头是道 closely reasoned and well argued; appear impressive; clear and logical; do sth. to sb.'s perfect satisfaction; (sound) plausible; (seem) well-grounded and reasoned; with reason; 头头儿 [口] head; chief; leader; overman; ringleader; honcho; 头衔 rank; title; 头像 head sculpture; head portrait; 头绪 main threads (of a complicated affair); lead; clue; 头绪万千 have too many things to attend to; The clue is extremely confused — the issue is perplexing and embarrassing.; 头悬梁, 锥刺股 tie one's hair on the house beam and jab one's side with a needle to keep oneself awake — painstaking in one's study; 头癣 tinea capitis; favus of the scalp; porrigo; 头血肿 cephalematoma cephalmhematoma; cephalohematoma; 头羊 bellwether; 头摇 head tremor; 头要冷, 心要热 be cool in the head but warm at heart; 头油 hair oil; pomade; hairdressing; 头晕 dizzy; giddy; dizziness; megrim; 头晕目眩 be[feel] dizzy; be afflicted with vertigo; giddy and dazzled; have a dizzy spell; light-headedness; rocky; 头晕眼花 dizzy of head and dim of sight; dizzy head and blurred eyes; feel dizzy; feel strange; feel dizzy and dimmed in eye-sight; head giddy and eyes dazed; light-headed; One's head grew giddy and one's eyes befogged.; reelingly; 头胀 feeling of fullness in the head; 头罩 {工} hood; bow cap; 头针 scalp acupuncture; 头针疗法 head- acupuncture therapy; 头枕 headrest; 头重脚轻 One's head is heavy and one's feet light.; be top- heavy; feel one's head heavy and one's feet light; head heavy and feet light; heavy-headed; weight down; 头子 chieftain; chief; boss; 头足倒置 turn everything upside down
头(頭)tou[后缀] ❶ (接于名词性词根): 骨 ~ bone; 馒 ~ steamed bread [bun]; 舌 ~ tongue ❷ (接于动词性词根): 奔 ~ prospect; sth. to strive for; 看 ~ sth. worth seeing [reading]; 想 ~ idea; hope ❸ (接于形容词性词根): 苦 ~ suffering; 甜 ~ 儿 a foretaste of sweetness; benefit; 准 ~ accuracy (in speech, etc.) ❹ (接在方位词后): 里 ~ inisde; interior; 前~ above; before; in front; 上 ~ above; 下 ~ below 另见 see also tóu。 |