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单词 失魂落魄

失魂落魄丧魂落魄shī hún luò pò

be driven to distraction; be panic-stricken; scared out of one’s wits; hopeless and despondent
❍ 我看见你呆在这里,~的,不敲你一下,怕回不到神。(艾芜《百炼成钢》348) I saw you sitting here so absent-mindedly that I was afraid if I didn’t hit you hard,you wouldn’t wake up from your sweet dreams,…/琏二奶奶这几天闹得象~的样子儿了,也没见传出去。(《红楼梦》1420) Madam Lian seems so distracted these days that we haven’t seen her issuing instructions,…/然后,他~地拔步便跑,率领一群人,从黑龙江一直退到贵州省。(《毛泽东选集》1047) Then,scared out of his wits,he took to his heels and led a flock of people in a flight all the way from Heilongjiang to Guizhou Province.
❍ 自从新思潮来到中国以后,其实何尝有力,而一群老头子,还有少年,却已丧魂失魄的来讲国故了…… (鲁迅《坟·未有天才之前》 136) Although the new ideas have never made much headway in China,many old fogeys—young ones too—are already scared to death and have started ranting about national culture.
❍ 老太太望着大车上的尸首跟受伤的孩子,~地发呆。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》14) She stared at the dead bodies and the wounded children dazedly.
❍ 接着,又~地嘟囔:……(杜鹏程《保卫延安》537)In a hopeless despondent voice,he muttered,…/孔子好象受了当头一棒,亡魂失魄的坐着,恰如一段呆木头。(鲁迅《出关》) Like one clubbed over the head,Confucius sat there as if his spirit had departed,to all intents a senseless block of wood.


be scared out of one’s wits;be panicstricken; be driven to distraction; look distraught

失魂落魄shī hún luò pò

比喻心神不定,非常惊慌,行动失常。driven to distraction, out of one’s wits, be panic-stricken





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