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❶ (丈夫) husband:姐 ~ elder sister's husband;brother-in-law;
前 ~ former husband;ex-husband
❷ (成年男子) man:匹 ~ ordinary man;
一 ~ 当关,万 ~ 莫开。 If one man guards the pass,ten thousand are unable to get through.
❸ [旧] (从事某种体力劳动的人) a person engaged in manual labour:船 ~ boatman;
农 ~ farmer;peasant
❹ [旧] (服劳役的人) a person served in forced labour:拉 ~ press people into service
另见 see also fú。
◆夫唱妇随 the husband to sing and the wife to follow...;a “husband-sing-wife-accompany” sort of happy couple;A wife is her husband's echo.;A wife sings her husband's tune.;domestic harmony;harmony between husband and wife;They are in rapport with each other.;When the husband suggests sth.,the wife chimes in with him.;
夫妇 husband and wife;man and wife;
夫妇式家庭 conjugal family;
夫家 the husband's family;
夫君 [书] a form of address for one's husband;my husband;
夫妻 man and wife;
夫妻本是同林鸟,大限到来各自飞 Like birds in one grove are a husband and wife,but they each fly away at the end of their life.;
夫妻店 mom-and-pop store;
夫妻恩爱 conjugal affection;connubial love;
夫妻工厂 mom-and-pop factory; 夫妻无隔夜之仇 Enmity between husband and wife doesn't last the night.;Nothing can come between husband and wife.;
夫权 authority of the husband;manus;
夫仁则妻贤 A good Jack makes a good Jill — a good husband makes a good wife.;
夫人 Lady;Madame;madam;concubines of an emperor;[意] signora;Mrs.;
夫荣妻贵 A woman of low birth may marry into the purple.;
夫婿 [书] husband;
夫子 an ancient form of address to a Confucian scholar in a respective way or to a master by his disciples;pedant;
夫子庙前卖文章 carry water to the river;teach fish to swim;
夫子自道 The master exposes himself (through strictures on others,which apply to himself).;The master speaks of himself — one speaks of oneself.

[书] Ⅰ ❶ (那;这) that;this;those;these:~ 人不言。 This man does not talk. 贼 ~ 人之子。 You are spoiling this man's son.
❷ (他) he:~ 岂不知? Now doesn't he know? Ⅱ ❶ (用于一句话的开始):~ 道若大路然。 Now the Way [Tao] is like a broad road. ~ 必自侮而后人侮之。 A man must despise himself before others will.
❷ (用于句尾或句中停顿处,表示感叹):莫吾知也 ~! Alas,no one understands me! 逝者如斯 ~,不舍昼夜。 Thus do things flow away day and night.
另见 see also fū。
◆夫蓼 a surname;
夫蒙 a surname;
夫馀 a surname





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