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单词 melt
melt/melt/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

(1)(使)融化 ((cause to)become liquidusu. by heat)[IT+n]:All the ice has~ed.所有的冰都化了。The butter is~ing in the heat. 黄油遇热在一点点融化。The snow is~ing in the sun.雪在阳光中融化。The spring sun usually~s the snow by mid March.春天的阳光一般到3月中旬使雪化尽。~the margarin in a sauce pan把人造黄油融化在锅里;〖同〗liquefy;〖反〗freeze;

(2)(使)溶解((cause to)dissolve)[IT+n]:Sugar~s in water/coffee/tea.糖溶解于水/咖啡/茶。~ing honey in hot milk在热奶中溶解蜂蜜;The cake/biscuit/pastry/sweet~s in the mouth. 蛋糕/饼干/糕点/糖果入口就变软。The hot coffee~s the sugar.热咖啡使糖溶解。〖同〗dissolve;

(3)(使)心软((cause sbsb's feelingsetc to)become gentler or milder)[II+prepT+n](fig):His anger/His heart~ed. 他的怒火消失/心变软了。I (My heart)~ed a little when I saw how sorry he was.我见他那样抱歉,心就软了。Her heart~ed with pity/at the child's tears/towards him. 同情心使她心软/孩子的泪水使她心软/她对他产生了柔情。a story to~the hardest heart可以使铁石心肠变软的故事;The little boy's tears/Her pleading~ed his determination. 小男孩的泪水/她的哀求使他的心软了。

melt away(v adv) 融化掉(指冰,雪);逐渐消散(失)(vi & vt):The ice on the lake~ed away.湖面上的冰渐渐融化了。The fear/fortune~away.(fig)恐惧慢慢消失/财产一点点用尽。The noon sun will~away the fog.中午的阳光会使雾消散。

melt down(v adv)熔化(毁)(vt):Railings were~ed down for cannon.铁栏杆被熔化后,用来制成大炮。

melt into(v prep)1)渐渐变成(vt):In the rainbow one colour~s into another.彩虹里的一种颜色渐渐变成另一种颜色。Here individuals of all races are~ed into a new race of men.各民族的人们在这里逐渐融合成一个新民族。2)渐渐消失(在某物之中)(vt):The sea seems to~into the sky on the horizon.地平线上仿佛海天一色。

→′melting adj 引起柔情的;融(熔)化的;′melting-pot n 各民族融合,同化地区的全体居民;熔化锅;′melting-point n 熔点;

【辨异】melt dissolvefuse thaw的区别见DISSOLVE。





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