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单词 太平无事

太平无事tài píng wú shì

all is well; everything is all right; there is peace and tranquility; the world is at peace; have no trouble
❍ 总之我从此~的一直到现在,所麻烦者,必须时常剪剪而已。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—29) At all events,I have had no trouble since then.The one nuisance is having to clip it from time to time.
❍ 将来吃了,不但~,怕还会有人见情。(《鲁迅选集》上—8) In future when I was eaten,not only would there be no trouble,but people would probably be grateful to them.
❍ 自破黄巢之后~,……(《关汉卿戏剧集·邓夫人苦痛哭存孝》323) Since Huang Chao was defeated the empire has been at peace; …

太平无事tài pínɡ wú shì

指国家和平、人民安宁,一切宁静无扰。all in peace, all is well, beace and tranquillity





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