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❶ (极高; 极大) highest; greatest; remotest: ~ 空 the firmament; outer space; ~ 湖 great lake
❷ (极; 最) extreme; most: ~ 古 remote antiquity
❸ (身分最高或辈分更高的) more or most senior; great-grand: ~ 老伯 grandfather; granduncle; ~ 老师 father of one's teacher or teacher of one's father; ~ 老爷 great-grandfather Ⅱ ❶ (表示程度过分) too: ~ 过分 go too far; 讲话讲得 ~ 长 make too long a speech; ~ 糟糕了。 That's too bad. 他 ~ 兴奋, 连话都说不出来了。 He was so excited that he could not speak. ; He was too excited to speak.; He was so excited that words failed him.
❷ (表示程度极高) extremely; exceedingly; very: ~ 高兴了 extremely happy; very glad; ~ 激动人心了 exceedingly exciting; ~ 感谢你了。 Thanks a lot.; Thank you ever so much. 这着棋 ~ 妙了。 This is an extremely wise move.
❸ (用于否定, 很) very: 不 ~ 好 not very good; not good enough; 今天不 ~ 热。 It is not very warm today. Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 皓 Tai Hao
◆太不自量 greatly over-rate [overestimate] oneself; think too much [highly] of oneself; too bold and over-confident; 太仓梯米 a grain of millet in the granary — very small portion of sth. vast; a mere grain in the barn; 太[泰]阿倒持 hold the sword by the blade — surrender one's power to another at one's own peril; allow one's powers to fall into another's hands; help an opponent against oneself; let the opponent hold the power; 太妃糖 taffy; taffee; 太公 [方] great-grandfather; a surname; 太公钓鱼, 愿者上钩 like the fish rising to Jiang Taigong's hookless and baitless line; a willing victim letting himself be caught; a willing victim to sb.'s wiles; Like Jiang Taigong's fishing, they have cast the line for the fish who want to be caught.; The fish that is destined to be caught will come up.; 太古 (from) time immemorial; remote antiquity; 太后 mother of an emperor; empress dowager; queen mother; 太皇太后 grandma-empress; 太极拳 taijiquan, a kind of traditional Chinese shadow boxing; 太空 {航} outer space; space; 太空服 quilted car coat; 太空计划 space program; 太空垃圾 space rubbish; 太空实验室 space lab; skylab; 太空站 space station; 太庙 the Imperial Ancestral Temple; 太平 peace and tranquility; 太平富贵 peace and prosperity; 太平军 the Taiping Army; 太平盛世 a time of national peace and order; The country was in the heyday of peace.; the piping times of peace; time of peace and prosperity; halcyon days; 太阳光 sun; sunlight; 太阳虽暖不当衣, 墙上画马不能骑 The warm sun is not meant for wearing, a painted horse is not meant for riding.; 太阳同步轨道 sun-synchronous orbit; 太阳系 solar system;
太子 crown prince; 太祖 the first founder of a dynasty

~右了too much to the Right/~“左”了too much to the “Left”





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