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单词 天长地久

天长地久天长地远;地久天长tiān cháng dì jiǔ

enduring as the universe; endure as long as the heaven and earth; everlasting and unchanging; last for ever
❍ 厮配得才貌仙郎,博得个地久天长。(《红楼梦》62) She is matched with a talented and handsome husband; |May she live with him for long years.
❍ ~有时尽,此恨绵绵无尽期! (白居易《长恨歌》) Heaven and earth may not last for ever,|But this sorrow was eternal.
❍ ~。天地所以能长久者,以其不自主,故能长久。(《老子》) Heaven is eternal and Earth everlasting.They can be eternal and everlasting because they do not exist for themselves,and for this reason can exist forever.
❍ 你铺排着鸳衾和凤帱,指望效天长共地久;……(《关汉卿戏剧集·赵盼儿风月救风尘》116)Thinking you had found a good husband,hoping his love for you would last for ever,clinging fondly to his hand; …

天长地久tian chang di jiu

enduring as the heaven and the earth


everlasting love


enduring as heaven and earth;everlasting and unchanging;eternal
友谊~everlasting (or eternal) friendship

天长地久tiān chánɡ dì jiǔ

比喻感情同时间一样长久。everlasting and unchanging, enduring as the universe, as long as the world lasts





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