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单词 天诛地灭

天诛地灭tiān zhū dì miè

[used in a curse or swear] be destroyed by heaven and earth (/by God);stand condemned; let the devil take sb
❍ 若上面有半点私心,~。(《水浒全传》562) If there be a penny written falsely there,then let Heaven strike me and Earth destroy me; …/我要安心咒你,我也 ‘~’! (《红楼梦》353) If I wish you harm,may Heaven and Earth destroy me too,…/他相信这样的话,“人不为己,~”,……(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》46) They believe that“Every man is for himself,or Heaven and Earth will destroy him,”…/今日哥哥既是收了铺石,小人告回,帐目已自明明白白,并无分文来去。如有毫厘昧心,~。(《水浒全传》577) …and as my sworn brother has now closed the business I will go,I have settled the accounts,and you will find evenything in order.Should there be some slight mistakes in the accounts then may Heaven punish me for it.

天诛地灭tian zhu di mie

be destroyed by heaven and earth


be destroyed by heaven and earth;stand condemned by God; May heaven strike one dead

天诛地灭tiān zhū dì miè

诛:杀死罪人。形容为天地所不容而被杀死。stand condemned by God, be destroyed by heaven and earth





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