释义 |
天罗地网tiān luó dì wǎngHeaven’s net and Earth’s snare—nets above and traps below; tight encirclement ❍ 正是这样的意志和感情,织成了一张风吹不动,浪打不折的~; 它,永远忠诚地捍卫伟大的社会主义祖国。(张岐《灯岛·网》107) Their determination and passionate devotion are a huge net that no wind or waves can destroy; it will safeguard our great country through every storm. ❍ 你便是哪吒太子,怎逃地网天罗?(《水浒全传》735) Even though he had been son of the King of Heaven,how could he have escaped such a trap in the Earth,such a plot in the Heavens?/见着十万天兵,一十八架~,围山收状,未曾得胜。(《西游记》73) A hundred thousand heavenly soldiers with eighteen sets of cosmic nets were dispatched to surround the mountain and capture him,but victory has not yet been secured. ❍ 当时,果又安辕营,下大寨,赏犒了得功之将,吩咐了~之兵,各各提铃喝号,围困了花果山,专待明早大战。(《西游记》68) Then they built a mighty stockade around their camp. Commanders who had distinguished themselves were rewarded,and the soldiers who made up the heaven-and-earth nets were ordered to surround the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit,holding bells and shouting,ready for a great battle the next day. ❍ 我们早已布下~,……(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》20) We’ve set up nets above and snares below,…/天可怜见,惭愧了!我子母两个,脱了这~之厄。(《水浒全传》17) Heaven pities and protects us,mother and son,and has helped us to escape the perilous rut spread out for us. 天罗地网tian luo di wangnets above and snares below 天罗地网nets above and snares below; tight encirclement;inescapable net 陷入~(criminals will) find themselves tightly encircled (by the people)/撒下~使罪犯无路可逃spread a dragnet so that the criminals have no way to escape 天罗地网tiān luó dì wǎnɡ罗:捕鸟的网。比喻防守严密,也比喻包围非常严密。tight encirclement, a far-flung network, an eacape-proof met |