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单词 天经地义

天经地义tiān jīng dì yì

(in line with) the principles of heaven and earth—an eternal (/uni versally accepted) principle; categorical truth; in(/by /from) the nature of things; in comformity with logic and reason; right and proper; perfectly jus tified
❍ 年轻时受过刺激的王二直杠,把这四个字,当做~。(柳青《创业史》305) To Surely Wang,who had received such a blow in his youth,the words were a holy scripture.
❍ 别的不说,单讲提款补税一项,给国家纳税是工商界~的事吧,如果我们过去按期如数交纳,不拖欠,就不会搁到现在去补税了。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—551) You need look no further than at this matter of withdrawing bank deposites to pay back taxes; it’sonly right and proper that industry and commerce should pay taxes to the state and if in the past we paid up on time and in full,we shouldn’t be in the position of having to pay up now.
❍ 十几岁以后,我逐渐懂得了读书和自己的关系: 怎么做一个“好皇帝”以及一个皇帝之所以为皇帝,都有什么~,我有了兴趣。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》63) In my early teens I began to understand that my textbooks had something to do with me and grew interested in how to be a“good emperor”,in why an emperor was an emperor,and in what heavenly significance there was in this.
❍ 只有经过民主主义,才能到达社会主义,这是马克思主义的~。(《毛泽东选集》1009) It is a law of Marxism that socialism can be attained only via the stage of democracy.
❍ 但若爱力尚且不能钩连,那便任凭什么“恩威,名分,天经,地义”之类,更是钩连不住。(鲁迅《坟》112) But if love has no hold upon them,then neither will any talk of“gratitude,principle and mora lity. ”/好在男子再娶,又是~,别讨女人,便都完事。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—10) For a man to remarry is quite in order anyway,so they get some other women and that is that.
❍ 夫礼,天之经也,地之义也,民之行也。(《左传·昭二十五年》) Ceremonies are founded in the regular procedure of Heaven,the right phenomena of earth,and the actions of men.

天经地义tian jing di yi

unalterable truth


(in line with)the principles of heaven and earth;unalterable truth;perfectly just;perfectly justified; right and proper
给国家纳税是工商界~的事。It is only right and proper that industrial and commercial enterprises should pay taxes to the state./非洲人民要发展,这是~的事。It is perferctly justified for the African people to seek development./善有善报,恶有恶报,这是~的事。Good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil—this is an unalterable truth.

天经地义tiān jīnɡ dì yì

经:常规,原则;义:理。天地间历久不变的真理;也比喻理所当然,无可非议。perfectly justified, truth pure and simple, in the nature of things, be only natural





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