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单词 measure
measure/′meʒ ǝ(r)/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/rɪ ŋ/]; n

v (1)(测,计)量(find the sizevolumeamountextent or degree of sth)[II+adv(up),T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv(up)]:You can~more easily if you spread it on a table.你把它铺在桌子上,量起来容易一些。Can you wait until I've finished~ing?等我量完可以吗?I can~accurately with that cup/this ruler.用那个杯子/这把尺子我能量得准。What does the window~?窗子的面积多大?~the volume of a cup/the strength of an electric current/the speed of a car/the width of a wall测量杯子的容积/电流强度/汽车速度/墙体宽度;My wife was~ed for a new suit yesterday.我妻子昨天量身要做件新衣。〖同〗size,calculate;
 (2)尺寸(面积等)是……(be of a certain sizevolumelengthetc)[I+n/prep]:The box~s 5 feet by 3. 箱子体积为5×3英尺。The table~s two metres by one metre. 桌子长两米,宽一米。The carpet~s 4 yards by 5. 地毯面积为4×5码。The room~s 12 by 10 feet across.房间面积为12×10英尺。The road~s 30 feet across.这条路宽30英尺。
 (3)估计(量);判断(judge or evaluate(qualities or actionsetc))[T+n](fig):~the importance of the problem/the value of the counseling 估计问题的重要性/咨询意见的价值;~one's foe/one's talent/one's ability估计敌人的力量/自己的天赋/个人的能力;〖同〗evaluate,judge;
 (4)考虑,权衡(choose or weigh(sth)carefully)[T+n]:The officer~s his acts and words with an iron will.该官员用铁的意志做到谨言慎行。He~s his words with pedantic caution.他出言小心,书呆子气十足。~the effect of sth on sb/the cost to one's health考虑某事对某人的影响/顾及自己的身体健康;
 (5)较量;拿……量(see if the size of(sth)is right)[T+n+prep(against)]:We~ed the curtains against the window.我们按照窗户的尺寸量(买)窗帘。
 (6)较量;拿……与……比(较)(examine sth through competition;bring into comparison with another)[T+n+prep(against/with)]:~one's strength with another同别人比力气;~one's skill against another's技术上与别人比高低;She~ed her power with that of a dangerous adversary/her determination with other people.她与可能伤害自己的对手比试一下力量/与他人较量一下决心。The child~ed himself not against adults but against age-mates. 这孩子不以成年人为标准,而以同年伙伴来评价自己。
 measure off(v adv)量出(一定长度)(vt):The shop assistant took the roll of dress material and~ed 3 metres off.售货员拿起一卷衣料从上面量出了三米。
 measure out(v adv)量出一定量(vt):~out the right quantity of medicine/a pint of milk/a kilo of sugar称出正确剂量的药/一品脱牛奶/一公斤糖;The nurse~ed out a teaspoonful of cough mixture.护士量了一满勺咳嗽药水。
 measure up (to)(v adv)达到,符合(vi):His work doesn't~up to his teacher's expectations.他的学习达不到老师的期望。It's a tough assignment,and I hope I will~up(to it).这是一项难干的工作,我希望能胜任。
 →′measurable adj 可测(衡)量的;′measurably adv 可测定地;′measured adj 慎重的;缓慢而有节奏的;′measurement n 量度,衡量;(量得的)长(宽,高)度等;
 n (1)计量制,度量法(system of measuringsuch as the metric system)[UC]:dry/liquid/square/board~干量单位/液量单位/面积单位/板材计量单位制;The metric~is preferred because it is easier.使用公制,因为它比较容易掌握。〖同〗scale,standard,rule;
 (2)度(计)量单位(unit used in determining and expressing measures)[C]:An hour is a~of time. 小时是一个时间计量单位。An inch is a~of length. 英寸是长度计量单位。A degree is a~of temperature.度数是温度计量单位。The standard kilogram is maintained as a~of mass.标准公斤(千克)被用作质量单位。
 (3)标准,尺度(way of showingjudging sth)[Ua~] [N(of)]:The number of the tickets sold for the concert is a~of the singer. 售出的音乐会票数是歌星走红的标志。The amount of iron in a country proves a~of its industry. 一个国家的铁产量是衡量其工业发展程度的标准。The money collected is indicative of a~of our popularity. 收集到的募捐款说明了我们受欢迎的程度。The scope of the project shouldn't be the~of its appeal.工程的规模不应该是衡量其价值的尺度。
 (4)程度,量(certain amount;some)[Ua~][N(of)](fml):have a good~of curiosity 相当好奇;receive a full~of aid 得到充分的帮助;achieve a great~of success取得巨大的成功;feel a certain~of excitement有一定的激情;give a large~of freedom给予很大的自由;attract some~of attention引起一定的关注;There was a~of truth in what he said.他讲的话有一定的道理。〖同〗amount,scope;
 (5)量具(器)(devicesuch as a rodtapecontainer for finding the sizeamountmassetc)[C]:“What~do you use for cloth?”“A yardstick,sir!”“你用什么量布?”“码尺,先生。”use a small silver~for brandy 用银制的小量具量白兰地酒;a pint/tape/yard~一品脱量具/卷尺/码尺;The thermometer is a~of temperature. 温度计是计量温度的仪器。
 (6)措施,办法;步骤(action taken for a purpose;step)[C,通常pl]:adopt strong~s to preserve order采取有力措施维护治安;take certain~s to improve car safety 采取一定措施提高行车安全;apply new~s to prevent the spread of infection采用新的措施防止感染扩散;design these~s against crime制订这些措施打击犯罪;What further~s can we take to avoid shoplifting? 我们下一步采取什么措施来避免商店偷窃? 〖同〗act,means,step,resort;
 beyond measure 极为(其);非常(fml):No one envied her,for she was popular beyond~.无人妒嫉她,因她极受欢迎。
 for good measure外加,另外的量:We've decided to take another torch for good~.我们决定再带一支手电筒。
 full/short measure 数(份)量足/不足:Be careful,some traders will try to give you short~.多加小心,有些商人不给足分量。Scales in shops should be checked regularly,to ensure that customers get full~.应定期检验商店里的秤,以保证顾客得到的足够的分量。
 get/take/have the measure of sb/sb's measure 估计,评价(某人的性格或能力):He was not a man to be trusted,and she soon had his~.他不可信赖,她对此很快有了体会。We have now got the~of the opposing team.我们现在对对手有了估量。
 in some/great/large measure在某种/很大/很大程度上(fml):The new law was in some~harmful.新法律有点不利之处。His failure was in great~because of pride.他的失败多半是由于骄傲所致。
 make sth to measure定制:I always have my suits made to~.我的衣服总是做得很合体。
 →′measureless adj 无限的





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