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单词 ashamed
ashamed/ ə′ʃeɪmd/ adj

(1)惭(羞)愧(feeling shameembarrassmentguilt foolishness or sorrow because of sth)[A(of), A+that][作pred]:be (feel)~of one's behaviour/one's dishonesty/one's bad manners/what one did为自己的行为/不诚实/不礼貌/所做的事情而(感到)羞愧;be (feel)~of oneself/being poor/having failed为自己/因为穷/因为失败了而(感到)羞愧;It's nothing to be~of.这没有什么可惭愧的。She has done nothing to be~of.她没有做什么可惭愧的事。be (feel)~of oneself for that/for telling such lies/for not having written so long 因为那事/说了这种谎话/这么久没写信而自愧(自感羞愧);I'm~for myself/you.我为我自己/你感到惭愧。be (feel)~that it (should have) happened/one has told (should have told) such lies 为(竟然)发生了这样的事情/自己(竟然)说了这种谎话而(感到)羞愧;〖同〗embarrassed,shy;〖反〗proud,honoured;

(2)耻(羞)于(unwilling to do sth because of the fear of feeling shame or embarrassment)[A+to-inf] [作pred]:be (feel)~to admit one's mistakes/to show one's work/to trouble sb(觉得)羞于承认错误/把自己的作品给别人看/麻烦某人;I would be~to be seen there/to be seen doing that.我羞于在那里被人看见/被人看见做那事。

←shame n 羞耻(愧);

→ a′shamedly adv 惭(羞)愧地;不好意思地;una′shamed adj 问心无愧的;不害羞的;una′shamedly adv 问心无愧地;不害臊地





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