释义 |
天从人愿天遂人愿;天随人愿tiān cóng rén yuànHeaven grants man’s wish; fortune is on one’s side; nature responds to one’s wish; by the grace of God ❍ 而居然“~”,吴芝生转换方向,……(茅盾《子夜》163) As if in answer to his prayer,Wu Zhisheng immediately changed the subject. ❍ 薛蟠心中暗喜道:“我正愁进京去有舅舅管辖,不能任意挥霍,如今开出去,可知~!” (《红楼梦》49) ❶Xue Pan told himself gleefully,“I was just thinking what a bore it would be to have an uncle cramping my style in the capital.Now he’s been upgraded and is leaving. It shows Heaven is kind.” ❷“Just as I was worrying about Uncle cramping my style when we got to the capital and preventing me from having a really good fling,”he reflected,“the old boy obligingly gets himself popped out of the way. Fortune is on my side!”/要是天遂人愿,他还想活百儿八十岁哩!(杜鹏程《保卫延安》120) If heaven is willing,he’d like to live to a hundred and eighty!/仿佛是~似的,风愈来愈大,天空愈来愈黑,正好掩护他安然脱离敌人的陷阱。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》358) It seemed as if nature was responding t o his wishes. The wind and rain became heavier and the sky darker; they would provide excellent cover for his escape. 天从人愿tian cong ren yuanheaven granting man’s wish 天从人愿tiān cónɡ rén yuàn苍天顺从人的意愿。形容事情恰如所愿。God willing, by the grace of God, Fortune is on one’s side. |