释义 |
天下无双tiān xià wú shuāngunparalleled in the world; without equal;matchless ❍ 不抗打呀,家伙什儿好,也不顶事,抵不住咱们战士的~的勇猛,一打,就哗啦了。(周立波《暴风骤雨》438) Those soldiers couldn’t fight. For all their better weapons,they’re no good—no match at all for our fighters. One heavy blow,and they’re finished. ❍ 典属国公孙昆邪为上泣曰: “李广才气,~,自负其能,数与虏敌战,恐亡之。”(《史记·李将军列传》) The director of dependent states Gongsun Kunye went to the emperor and,with tears in his eyes,said,“There is no one in thee mpire to match Li Guang for skill and spirit and yet,trusting to his own ability,he repeatedly engages the enemy in battle. I am afraid one day we will lose him! ” 天下无双tiān xià wú shuānɡ天下再没有第二个。形容独一无二。without equal, be out of the common run and unmatched, unique, absolutely unrivalled |