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单词 天下大乱

天下大乱tiān xià dà luàn

great disorder under heaven—a state of great confusion; big (violent)upheaval; there is chaos everywhere (/across the land); universal (/worldwide) disorder
❍ 及纣之身,天下又大乱。(《孟子·滕文公下》) By the time of Zhou,the empire was again in a state of great confusion.
❍ 到了服阕之后,不过一年有余,天下就大乱了。(《儒林外史》)13)A year after the period of mourning was over,the whole empire was plunged into confusion.
❍ 要注意,不抓粮食很危险。不抓粮食,总有一天要~。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—360) Take heed,for it is very dangerous not to grasp grain production. If this is ignored,there will be widespread disorder some day.
❍ 现在根据郑孝胥的解释,那是马上要~的。“赤化主义”对我下毒手,则事无疑问。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》181) Now Zheng Xiaoxu explained to me that the country was on the brink of violent upheavals and that there was no question but that the“reds”would murder me.


great disorder under heaven;big upheaval throughout the world;global upheaval;widespread disorder; utter confusion everywhere; Chaos spread across the land

天下大乱tiān xià dà luàn

形容国家的局势混乱不堪。great disorder under heaven, a state of great confusion, big upheaval through the world





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