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单词 大逆不道

大逆不道大逆无道dà nì bù dào

a most treasonable and heinous offence; a great outrage; a monstrous crime; most unfilial; offensive to all established values;be guilty of treason and heresy
❍ 士君子惑于龙穴、沙水之说,自心里要想发达,不知已堕于~。(《儒林外史》513)Many cultured men have been taken in by all that talk about dragon’s lairs,mountains and water. Men want their families to prosper; but in their attempts to achieve this,they actually prove most unfilial.
❍ 解虽弗知,此罪甚于解杀之。当大逆无道。(《史记·游侠列传》3188) Though he did not know the man who murdered the Confucian scholar,his guilt is greater than if he had done the crime himself. He should be condemned as a treasonable and unprincipled criminal!/今项羽放杀义帝于江南,大逆无道。(《史记·高祖本纪》370) But now Xiang Yu has banished him from his throne and murdered him at Jiangnan. This is a most treasonable and heinous offence.
❍ 宣言司马师~,今奉太后密诏,令尽起淮南军马,仗义讨贼。(《三国演义》953) Sima Shi is a rebel and devoid of rectitude. We have a secret edict commanding us to muster the forces of Huainan and put down this rebellion.

大逆不道da ni bu dao

high treason

大逆不道不(无)dà nì bù dào

逆:叛逆;背叛者。不道:指不符合封建统治阶级的道德标准和宗法观念。多指封建统治者对造反者所加的罪名。a monstrous crime, most unfilial, worse offence, a greatest outrage, high treason





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