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单词 大言不惭

大言不惭dà yán bù cán

be insolent (/impudent)enough to say (/allege); bluster; boast (/brag/allege) brazen faced (/brazenly/unblushingly/impudently/without shame/unashamedly); bold assertions; have the effrontery to talk (/allege/say); on stilts; quack; speak audaciously (/with audacity) ; talk big (/tall/unabashedly); turn geese into swans
❍ 你念,我写。若不好了,我捶你的肉,谁许你先~的! (《红楼梦》 1028) Dietate it to me. If it's no good,I'll give you a thrashing for making such a shame/ess boast.
❍ 有的时候他一地称自己是半官方,……(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—554) Sometimes he boasted unashamedly of being a semi-official spokesman…/严知孝听他这个得意的学生,~的说着,脸上的愁闷就散开了。(梁斌 《红旗谱》 340) Yan's face cleared as he listened to the bold assertions of his favourite student.


brag unblushingly;boast shamelessly

大言不惭dà yán bù cán

说大话不知道惭愧。quack, on sticks, talk big, speak with audaciously, turn geese into swans, be shamelessly boastful, brazenly brag, bluster, boast shamelessly





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